• Encourgaging hostility

    Foreign traders encouraged hostile tribal groups to raid each other for treasure including ivory and slaves
  • Period: to

    Flashpoint for conflict

    Bahr al-Ghazal was one of the most prominent centers of slave trading on the Africa.
  • North Sudan

    North Sudan
    North Sudan is cleaning up South Sudans bones and skulls because North Sudan is trying to take over South Sudan.
  • Oil

    North and South Sudan are fighting over the oil. Oil is like liquid gold to a country it brings in alot of money. North Sudan is being selfish and wants all the oil so they can become a richer country
  • "sudanisation"

    Southern Policy was abandoned after the Jua Conference organized by the colonial government, at which Southern chiefs agreed with northern nationalist to pursue a united Sudan
  • Line 1956

    Line 1956
    This line shows the seperation between the north and south. North Sudan had it set, they had all the correct equiptment for war. South Sudan was left with nothing and they were fighting for their lies.
  • General Umar al-Bashir

    he was elected in 1958
  • Immigration to South Sudan

    Immigration to South Sudan
    the women just wants to move to South Sudan because she wasnt to get money from the oil that they have. They are investing lands so they get get more oney for themselves.
  • South Sudans oil

    South Sudans oil
    The man on the left represents North Sudan and they are skaing hands with South Sudan over a nice straight Pipe line. what South Sudan doesnt know is that all the other Lines have knots and kinks in them.
  • triggering the second civil war

    The war was setteling down until something else broke out and all hell broke loose again
  • lost boys

    These boys would travel on feet for months on end. They were risking their lives each and every day. Some times they would go days without water or food so they would have to drink their own yourin.
  • Ingredients for war

    Numieri brings in the Islamic Sharia law to Sudan leading to a new breakout of the civil war in the Christian south. In the south the forces are led by the Sudan People's Liberation Movement under the power of John Garang.
  • Nimieiri Overthrown

    Nimieiri Overthrown
    Nimieiri was overthrown in April 1986. He provoked by a collapsing economy, the war in the south and political repression
  • North Sudan

    North Sudan
    These are nothern sudenese people sitting around. they are very different then southern sudenese poeple because southern sudenese people dont wear the headset and everything. they barley have any cloths at all.