Muhammad ahmad al mahdi

Spread of Islam

  • Period: 570 to Dec 31, 1100

    The Spread of Islam

    Key events, and their impact, on the spread of Islam.
  • Jan 1, 610

    Prophet Muhammad

    Prophet Muhammad
    Read moreOn this date Muhammad began receiving his first revelations in the cave. This event is of essential significance to the spread of Islam because it was these revelations he had of morality, good habits, noble and gentle feelings, and superior skills that have helped shaped Islam by being the key focus points of the Qu'ran that is read and praised by Muslims.
  • Jun 1, 610


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    Khadija plays a very iunfluencial role in the spread of Islam as she was the Prophet's wife. Muhammad came to tell her about his visions and she was the one to comfort him and encourage him to continue. She also remains one of the first converts to Islam and is notorious for taking the revelations muhammad would have and write them into the first version of the Qu'ran.
  • Jan 1, 622


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    The Hijra (also known as the Migration) was key in the spread of Islam. Men from the Quraysh were prepared to assassinate Muhammad as they feared that this new religion was a peril and it needed to be ended. Muhammad escaped to Medina to set roots and further preach Islam.
  • Jan 1, 632


    Read moreThe Qu'Ran was, and still is, Highly influencial to the spread of Islam. With in this holy book, there are the numerous preachings of Muhammad that help the average muslim with his or her guidance through the day and with common problems they may face. In another sidenote, the Qu'ran was also incredibly revolutionary as it is undoubtedly the first book to be written in the Arabic language.
  • Jan 1, 632

    Abu Bakr

    Abu Bakr
    Read moreAbu Bakr is revered by many Muslims as he was a very close companion with Muhammad. Abu was especially influencial to Islam around the fact that during his short caliphate he fought many battles which eventually led to creating stability to the Muslim community and to calm the people after the loss of the Prophet.
  • Jan 1, 633

    Ridda Wars

    Ridda Wars
    Read moreThe Ridda Wars were battles fought by Abu Bakr against some who declared that they too were prophets when indeed they were not. Abu took it upon himself to erradicate these imposters to create balance in the community again. Abu did not want his men to be Idle so after this war, he sent his troops onward for further conquest and battle in Syria and Persia which helped to spread Islam even more.
  • Jan 1, 634

    Fall of Sasanian Empire of Persia

    Fall of Sasanian Empire of Persia
    Read moreOnce Abu had finally settled the Arabia Peninsula he looked north to the Sassanid and Byzantinians who could pose a big military threat to him. By moving in and conquering the Sassanid, Abu was able to bring more peace in the region as well as opening up new doors to the spread of Islam.
  • Jun 16, 656

    Death of Uthman

    Death of Uthman
    Read moreUthman was a very Influencial player to Islam as he was the creator of the first definitive Qu'ran. His death was also quite influencial because it was after his death that Ali was appointed as Caliph which began the great divide between the Shi'a and the Sunni's
  • Dec 31, 656


    Read MoreAli was the forth Caliph after Muhammad. He was very closely related to the prophet making him an excellent choice for Caliph. Ali was revered by his supporters as a very strong leader and to some he was believed to be holy or even holier than Jesus. Another influence Ali had was being at the epicenter of a huge divide between the Shi'a (Ali's Supporters) and the Sunni's which has lasted until this day.
  • Jul 1, 657

    Battle of Siffin

    Battle of Siffin
    Read moreMuawiyah was a close friend of the slain Uthman and he did not acknowledge Ali as the Caliph because Ali did not prosecute the murderers. Muawiyah launched an offensive to attack Ali and look for the murderers. Ali fought back hard. This battle was key becuase after this battle and after Ali died in 661, Muawiyah was able to ascend to the throne and reunite the Muslim empire.
  • Jan 1, 661

    Ummayad Empire

    Ummayad Empire
    Read moreUnder the Ummayad caliphate, the Muslim Empire grew very large. This expansion caused for large number of non-muslims that were under the Empires rule. These non-muslims had to pay a protection tax to continue worshiping their faith. This tax was able to get a lot of revenue for the Empire but it backfired once many people began converting to Islam to avoid the tax. This was very significant because this got the Muslim faith many more followers and it extended the spread of Islam.
  • Jan 25, 750

    Battle of the River Zab

    Battle of the River Zab
    This battle on the River zab was key turning point between the Ummayads and the Abbasid's. The Abbasid victory against the Ummayads here made way for the Abbasid's to advance on into Syria and eventually on to capture the Ummayad capital. This was a significant point because the Ummayads were now overthrown giving ease back to the Mawali and the Shi'a.
  • Jan 1, 762

    Abbasid Dynasty

    Abbasid Dynasty
    Read moreIn the year of 762 the Abbasid Dynasty had been prospering for around 12 years. At this point the capital was moved to the city of Baghdad. This new city becme a key center for learning and culture in the Arab world as well as being a very strong political center in this time. Also during this Abbasid time in the future years the crusades were to come which were very important in both Islmaic and Chritian history.
  • Jan 1, 1050

    The Seljuk Turks

    The Seljuk Turks
    Read moreThe Seljuk Turks had been slowly gaining more and more power from Egypt and Mesopotamia and were now able to inject their Turkish elements into the rest of the Middle East. Together with many, well-appointed administrators, the Seljuks worked with the Abbasid caliph to for a cohestive Sunni state. Under the Seljuks, they were able to boast many famous individuals ranging from politicians to artists. This was very key because the seljuks were able to bring in some Turkish influence.
  • Jan 1, 1096

    The Crusades

    The Crusades
    Read moreAs what goes for the impact on the spread of Islam, the crusades were but a small irritant. The muslims had much greater issues with the mongols for example. Excluding this fact, the crusades did bring an advanced connection for trade with Europe and vice versa. This trade impacted fashion, food, feudalism and much more.
  • Muhammad's Return to Mecca

    Muhammad's Return to Mecca
    Read moreIn his return to Mecca, Muhammad had gained so many followers that he was successfully able to take back the city. It was now that he had returned and he now began further preachings to convert many more to follow the Muslim faith. To this day Mecca has remained the center of the Islmaic faith.
  • Karbalaa

    Read moreThis city is among the holiest cities for the Shiites. This city became so holy and famous due to the battle of Karbalaa that took place here between the Imam Husain aginst Yazid (the son of Muawiya) This battle was a spiritual battle of good versus evil as the Imam was opposing the Caliph and overthrowing their brutal rule. his has become very significant due to the Imam fighting for the truths versus the falsehoods where the Imam eventually lost his life fighting for.
  • Abul al- Abbas

    Abul al- Abbas
    Read moreAbul al-Abbas was the first Caliph of the new Abbassid dynasty. He had recently overthrown the Ummayads in a revolution to remove their corrupt power. He then proceeded to kill anyone affiliated wth the Ummayads (except one who fled to Spain). This was significant because, one, it led to the spread of Islam into Spain, and second, it led to the creation of Baghdad as the new capital as well as the creation of a new dynasty.
  • Harun al-Rashid

    Harun al-Rashid
    Read moreHarun al- Rashid is debateably one of the most famous Caliphs in Muslim history. Harun was appointed at only 20 years old but already then he was very involved with the people and wanted what was best for them. He also rebuilt Baghdad to expand on the Arts and learning there-in. Harun was also very eager to learn from other countries and civilizations and often invited them to be able to allow islam to advance.
  • Buyid Dynasty

    Buyid Dynasty
    Read moreThe Buyid Dynasty was another flourishing Dynasty that was going at the same time as the Abbasid. The Buyid were very keen on removing the power of the Sunni caliphs and promoting the power of the Shi'a. Along side this, the Buyid's also made great advances in public works like hospitals and dams. A further impact to islam was their connections with so many neighboring civilizations.