Question 7

  • Starting the preliminary task

    this was the first step towards reseraching for my magazine. I reaserched through other magazines and decided what i did like and didnt like about them. I also did this with different pupils magazines. This them helped me get an idea in my head of the basics i needed in my magazine.
  • Mock up of contents page

    This is a mock up of my contents page, I have taken onboard from my research that it needs to be eye catching, bold and also inviting to make you want to read on. i have made sure that mine meets this standard by using bold blue circles (school colours) to attract attention and to also make it clear which pages tells you which information. I have also used the school logo again to show relevance to the purpose of the contents page.
  • Evaluation of my magazine

    in this task, i was able to express how I feel it went and slso how i was able to imporve it.
  • Preliminary task - final product

    Preliminary task - final product
    As you can see, my magazine has alot of room for imporvement. Over time though, I will expect to improve with taking images and also editing them further on in this process.
  • General Research

    This was the first introduction to our media task and it was to find out what is needed for a magazine to be sucessful and for it to catch the readers eye and sell. In this part of the task I started to research into the general history of music magazines and how they have progressed over time. Also, by doing this, I would be able to realise how i could imporve my own magazine and make it better in order for it to sell.
  • Planning for Construction

    The planning for construction included me looking at many other current examples of music magazines. While doing this, I came to the desision that I would make my magazine a alternative indie magazine, so I mainly focused on current magazines such as NME and Clash. While doing this, I looked at examples of their flat plans, front covers, contents pages, double page spreads, artilces, colours, fonts and photos. This helped me learn how to make things look professional and not clutered.
  • Music Magazines in a shop task

    From completeing this task I was able to notice where magazines are positioned due to the genre of the magazines or the make of them. Also I was able to notice that the majority of the magazines have a model on the front making eye contact which is an important selling point.I then made sure that I used this valueable information throughout the making of my magazine.
  • Magazine flat plat idea

    By completing this task,I have realised that my magazine needed to have a variety of features to keep my readers hooked and remain interested! The double page spread needs to be on something interesting and that is relevant to the genre of the magazine.Yet again, it also needed to include interesting images to make the reader want to read on.
  • Representation Task

    In this task, I picked random front covers and double page spreads from off of the internet and evaluated them into catergories which included what I liked about them, what I didnt, what I think made it work and also how it could have been improved. The main point that i did pick up on in this task was about the use of bold fonts, bright colours and also powerful images.
  • Formatting Research

    When carrying out this task , I used NME magazine to guide me on how I would like the layoutof my magazine to be. I tried not to make it too complicated so that the reader would not be put of from reading more of it. I made sure that it was all clear and that there was enough room to have plenty of images throughout.
  • Interview about music magazines in a shop

    This task was quite small but I did feel that now and in the future it will be very relevant. By carrying out this task, I learnt about what features customers pick out from a magazine and what they like to and then I was able to incorporate this into the construction of my magazine to make sure that it would sell. For example, the interviewee talked about how they like to see eye contact in the image so I could therefore use this when carrying out my photoshoot...
  • Contents Page Analysis

    For this task, I used lino to express my thoughts about the important features needed on a contents page to make it look interested and make people read it. This inlcuded features such as page numbers and powerful eyecatching images.
  • Double page spread analysis

    I also used Lino to express my opinions on how to make my double page spread look appealing and eye catching to readers. This included an interesting and pin hooking article that will attch my readers to the magazine and make them not want to put it down. It also inlcuded that use of powerful images yet again.
  • First draft of my article

    This was my first draft of many attempts at trying to make my article interesting yet not too long or boring. I changed alot in this article, mainly the name of the character in it due to having a chnage of heart about the genre of my magazine. By this point, I knew that I had improved since my preliminary task purely because i was writing an article for a magazine of my own which i knew that people my age and also myself would enjoy.
  • Thinking about my logo idea

    Thinking about my logo idea
    I used to look at a variety of font ideas. I then found this one and liked it straight away as i thought it was quite ey catching yet very simple and wouldnt take the attention away from the whole front coever such as the main image.
  • Survey and rate card

    Survey and rate card
    This is what I based my target audience on. I took multiple surveys asking people about my magazine, and compiled the results into a rate card. I refered to this multiple times when I needed a bit of information about my audience. I have also refered to this is my overall evaluation .
  • Costume, prop, loaction and model mood board.

    Costume, prop, loaction and model mood board.
    When I started to think about how my magazine was going to be, I decided that I was not 100% happy about my ideas that i had intially craeted so I therefore created a mood board to get me in the right frame of mind to really think about how i wanted my magazine to be and what genre it fell into.
  • Popplet: my magazine ideas.

    By using Popplet to brainstrom my ieads, i could really think carefully baout how I wanted my magazine to turn out. I intially then told myself that once i came up with a potential idea, I would use this popplet to control my ideas throughout the contruction process.
  • Mood Board Video

    Once I had created a mood board, i taled through it clearly to discuss why i chose to use these ideas and how i will try and incorporate these ideas into my magazine.
  • Alignment task and further flat plan idea.

    Alignment task and further flat plan idea.
    I used this task to decided and play around with how i wanted the layout of my magaxzine to look. I previously used NMEt o make it similar to but when i created this the 2nd time round, I used Billboard and made it very similar. When creating my 2nd version of my flat pplan also, i changed some of the ideas so that it fitted my new genre.
  • Typography Task

    Typography Task
    This task breifly helped me experiment with different fonts, colours and sizes. I was then able to get a sort of idea what i would have like to have used in my magazine. I also, brainstormed with a couple of different fonts but stuck with my original as i liked it the most.
  • Picture Planning and shot list

    Picture Planning and shot list
    I knew that when creating my magazine I needed to stay organised. Therfore by creating this document, I knew where and when i would be carrying out a shoot. As I realised from my preliminary task, I didnt get much time to plan each shot and decide how I wonted it to plan out. Therefore, by planning all of this in advance, I felt this helped me to improve from my preliminary task.
  • First draft of front cover and contents page

    When I first started on this, I just experimented with different layout but still using my alignment task to conrtol and assist me. However, i ahdnt carried out any photo shoots yet so could be precise on where everything went on my magazine as I knew i'd have to base it all around the images.
  • Magazine shoot 1&2

    This was my first experince with using a proper photography camera and when I look back i realise that i didnt plan out my shoot very well. I wasnt reallys ure what i wanted my models to do which meant that the shoot was a bit unsucessful. Comparing to my preliminary task however, I did think this shots were better than then . This was my first go at a proper photo shoot, so this was defintely better than my preliminary task.
  • Magazine Shoot Number 3

    This time round, I was determined to make my shoot a sucsess. I knew that this time round my model and alot more confidence that previous models and lot more of an edgey look which suited the genre of my magazine perfectly. This shoot was taken in a proper photography room and took about two hours.
  • Editing my photos

    Now tha everyhting was in full swing, I was able to spend my time editing my photos to make sure they were of top quality and were perfect for my magzine. I used Photoshop to carry out this task. Once this was complete, I was then able tp compile them into my magazine and almost have it finished.
  • Front Cover finished & start of contents page...

    Front Cover finished & start of contents page...
    By this point I had completed my front cover and was just adding the finishing touches to my contents page. I made sure throughout this process that i refered back to Billboard amagzine and also my planning ideas. I made sure that i chose the correct images to attract the attention of the readers and make them want to read the whole magazine. If I were to compare this front cover to the front cover of my preliminary task, you would be able to see a vast improvement.
  • The making of my double page spread

    The making of my double page spread
    At thispoint i was on my last section of constructing my magazine but I knew that this would be the hardest bit. Especially because i needed to make sure that it looked just as appealing as the front cover and that people would actually want to read it. I re-created my double page about 4 times until i was finally happy with it and felt that it was very appealing. This was my first attempt as well at a double page spread as I didnt create my in my preliminary task.
  • Bringing everything together!

    Bringing everything together!
    At this stage I was finished and happy with my end product. I did however spend a couple of extra hours editing little bits to make sure that they were in tip-top condition and that it made my magazine look as gooas it could do.