Production Schedule

  • Period: to

    Elma's Production Schedule

  • Planning the Project: Production Schedule

    Create a TimeToast to organise my time for the project. Add tasks and deadlines into Time Toast and update if needed.
  • Research/Case Studies

    Magazine project. Think of a music genre (RnB, Gospel). Research onto the magazine; consider
    -generic conventions of a magazine (things you typically see)
    Analyse a the front cover, contents page and double page spread for TWO magazines.
  • LSC Magazine (planning)

    LSC Magazine (planning)
    Create a front page and contents page which includes original photography (my own pictures)
    -front cover: medium close-up of a student with text (PhotoShop)
    -contents page: sections, number of pages, editors letter (InDesign)
  • Audience Feedback and Evaluation- College Magazine

    Get audience comments and feedback on LSC magazine via my blog or survey monkey.
    Use the feedback recieved to write an evaluation of my production skills.
  • Magazine Newsstand Task/ Distribution of Magazine (planning)

    Go to a newsstand (Asda)
    Look at how the music magazone titles and how they have displayed it.
    Take pictures on iPod and upload. Write up my findings on my blog.
    Research other magazine distribution methods linking to media technologies. Blog my findings and add hyperlinks then submit.
  • Drafting and Finalising House Styles, Drafts & Layouts (planning)

    Write a short proposal for my magazine with links to previous case studies.
    Produce housetyle sheets for my music magazine, with all the convention of page layout.
    Draft a copy for DPS considering the audience.
  • Audience Research (planning)

    Evaluate audience feedback from the pitch. Make changes to plans to each feedback and clearly signpost changes on my blog.
  • Photography (construction)

    Do photography in the studio. Minimum of 4 original images in the final magazine, using a range of models and different shot types relevant to magazine genre using the college DSLR camera.
    Produce a call sheet of details such as models, locations, costumes and props.
    ALL photography need to be complete.
  • Desktop Publishing & Editing Music Magazine

    Use photoshop for the front cover and use InDesign for the contents page & DPS.
    Take screen shots and annotate the process on my blog.
    Show a rough draft of 3 pages to the class and record the feedback on my blog as progress.
  • Desktop Publishing of Music Magazine

    The front cover, contents page and DPS should be COMPLETED and uploaded to my blog/website.
  • Audience Research of Music Magazine (planning/evaluation)

    Gather audience comments and feedback on my music magazine. Should be done in class or on survey monkey. Ask audience to comment on strengths and weaknesses and compare the final magazine to drafts and plans.
  • Planning the Evaluation

    Evaluation is 20% OF COURSEWORK GRADE!
    use questions from handout (green paper) to structure the evaluation.
    use previous work to write an evaluation script.
    have to use DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CREATIVELY to present evaluation; ise at least 3 creative media technolgies in my answer to answer the 7 questions.
  • Creating Evaluation

    will be marked on the appropriateness of technologies and presentation of work and content of answers.
  • Finalisation of ALL Tasks

    all portfolio work MUST be complete and updated to my blog ready for submission to the exam board.