Plan for Media Coursework

  • Research of Existing Magazines

    Haven't yet finished this although technically it should be done by now.
  • Research Into Target Audience

    I have gathered quite a few images so far but I need to use them in a proper write up making it absolutely clear that I know where I am aiming my magazine.
  • Models

    I need to take picturesof potential models, say how they will feature in my magazine etc.
  • Locations and Health & Safety

    Need to create a chart displaying that I have properly assessed all of the risks and made sure that I've taken the proper precautions.
  • Costume and Props

    Because this is the most crucial element of my cover I will need to make sure i have thought thouroughly about where everything is coming from and then taken photos of the items. I will therfore need to make another plan explaining where I got the item, the cost and who takes responsibility for that item.
  • Time management

    This is not a task in itself but I will need to check through my work and make sure that I have used examples of time management. This timeline itself is an example of that.
  • Work in progress

    I will need to show, through whatever format, how I have travelled from one idea to another.