Persian Empire

By egerry
  • 550

    Persian Empire Founded

    Persian Empire Founded
    Founded by Cyrus The Grate who was part of Achemenids Dynasty. It was founded in 550 B.C.E.
  • 554

    Croseus Invades Persia

    Croseus Invades Persia
    Croseus [the king of lydia] invades Persia and Cyrus defets them. This happend in 546 B.C.E.
  • 561

    Cyrus Defets Babylonian Empire

    Cyrus Defets Babylonian Empire
    Cyrus frees all Jews that were held captive.
  • 570

    Cyrus Dies :[ :[ :[

    Cyrus Dies :[ :[ :[
    he died in battle
  • 571

    Cambyses 2nd becomes ruler

    Cambyses 2nd becomes ruler
    1. bilt Persian navy -took controle of cypruse
  • 575

    Cambyses 2nd invades Egypt

    Cambyses 2nd invades Egypt
    1. defets pharoh at Memphis -Egyptian Empier becomes part of Persian Empire
  • Jan 1, 610

    Persion empire is the largest empier

    Persion empire is the largest empier
    it was the largest empire the world had ever known and may still be the largest empire
    • this happend 490 B.C.E
  • Darius 1 becomes king

    Darius 1 becomes king
    • he was one of 7 Persian nobles who killed the leaders of the rebellion
    • he spent a entier year putting down the rebelions and establishing his rule
  • Cambyses Dies

    Cambyses Dies
    • dies putting down a revolt in his kingdom by his trusted advisers
    • this hapend in 552 B.C.E