Oliver cromwell by samuel cooper

Oliver Cromwell

  • Oliver Cromwell's birth

    Oliver Cromwell's birth
    Oliver cromwell was born on the 25th of April,1599 to a modest family in Huntingdon, England. His parents were Elizabeth Stuart and Robert Cromwell. The wealth of Oliver's family was rooted by his grandfather, Thomas Cromwell who was titled the "Earl of Essex" by Henry VIII in 1540
  • Marriage

    Cromwell got married to Elizabeth Bourchier who was the daughter of Sir James Bourchier, a London leather mechant and owner of extensive lands in Essex on the 8th of August 1620.
  • MP of Huntingdon

    MP of Huntingdon
    Oliver Cromwell was elected as the MP ( member of parliament, the person who represent their electoral district in the parliament) in Huntingdon.
  • religious independence of Oliver

    religious independence of Oliver
    Oliver Cromwell become religious independent in the 1630s and thereafter believed that all his success and achievements were by Divine providence.
  • Oliver's crisis

    Oliver's crisis
    In 1631 Cromwell sold most of his properties and moved to a farmstead in nearby St Ives which caused both spiritual and emotional impact on the Cromwells as it was a step down in society.
  • MP in Cambridge

    MP in Cambridge
    Oliver was elected as MP in Cambridge for both the short( Parliament of England summoned by King Charles I) and long parliament in 1640
  • Parliamentarian army

    Parliamentarian army
    Oliver Cromwell joined the parliamentary army in August 1642
  • New Modern Army

    New Modern Army
    After joining the parliamentary army in 1642, Oliver gave his best and showed his military skills and was soon appointed as the commander of the New modern army which was and army formed by the parliamentarians during the First English Civil War.
  • Lord protector

    Lord protector
    Oliver Cromwell become the Lord protector after the execution of Charles I in January 1641
  • Cromwell's death

    Cromwell's death
    Oliver Cromwell died in 3 september,1658 in Whitehall, London. The cause of his death is not certain but it is thought that he got a fever and died.