My timeline

  • Period: to

    My timeline

    This is all about my life
  • The day I was born

    The day I was born
    I born on March 10th 2000 at about eight thirty.
  • My 100th day!!!

    My 100th day!!!
    This is my 100th day when I was young. We did a big party!!
  • My Grand Ma's 70th birthday

    My Grand Ma's  70th birthday
    My mom's mom as my grandma's birthday is today!!
  • My cousin's birthday

    My cousin's birthday
    My favorite cousin's birthday!!!
  • My first pet

    My first pet
    I got a new and also a first pet the two puppies!!
  • The kid's day

    The kid's day
    This is the kid's day in korea. In kid's day, they celebrate for kids.
  • Broken teeth

    Broken teeth
    I got my teeth broken because I was trying to go over the window but I fell
  • The day my sister born!!

    The day my sister born!!
    My sister was born this day. She is born in Geo Jae Land.
  • My dad's bithday

    My dad's bithday
    April 5th is my father's birthday.
  • My mom's birthday

    My mom's birthday
    January is my mom's birthday as my cousin's.
  • I moved to China Quing Dao

    I moved to China Quing Dao
    I moved to China, Quing Dao to learn and because of my dad's job.
  • I moved a house

    I moved a house
    I moved my house from Quing Dao apartment 13 to Quing Dao apartment 4.
  • My Aunt's birthday

    My Aunt's birthday
    My Aunt's birthday she is my mom's sister.
  • Spelling Bee

    Spelling Bee
    I won at the Spelling Bee in Korean International School Quing Dao!!
  • My second pet kitenes!!

    My second pet kitenes!!
    I got kittens and they are so cute!!
  • I moved to Tian Jin in China.

    I moved to Tian Jin in China.
    I moved to China Tian Jin near BeiJing.
  • I moved to Philippines!!

    I moved to Philippines!!
    I moved to Subic Philippines to study English and as well as for a little learning culture.
  • My new pet

    My new pet
    I got a new pet which is a dog and I named him Toto.
  • My dog's first birthday!!!

    My dog's first birthday!!!
    My dog is now one years old and we bring him to the beach at his birthday.
  • Right Now

    Right Now
    Right now I am 12years old. Attending Brent Subic.