My time line

  • My birth

    I was born what a happy thing for my parents.I was born at 3pm but i do not remember the hospital.
  • Big accident

    I cracked my head open in canada, I was trieing to go down a slide when some one poushed me and i hit my head.
  • calgary stampead allso an accident

    calgary stampead allso an accident
    I was at the calgary sampead (a big selibration in canada) i saw my friend and went to hug him but i fell and craced my head open.
  • started school at tiggy winkle

    started school at tiggy winkle
    My first day of school it was so much fun seeing new kids i loved school
  • Move to dubai

    Move to dubai
    I moved to Dubai i missed Canada so much but Dubai was ok and i made friends.
  • moved schools to dia

    moved schools to dia
    My first year in dia it was hard to make new friends but after a little bit i made new friends.
  • My grandama got a new puppy

    My grandama got a new puppy
    My grandamagot a bran new haborneis dogthe cutest dog in the world.