My Short-Term Goal

  • Go to Sleep

    My goal is to get more sleep every night so I won't be tired the next day.
  • Get more sleep

    I need to start going to sleep earlier to get more rest so I won't be tired the next day.
  • Go to sleep earlier

    If I go to sleep earlier, like around 10:00, I can make sure I will have enough sleeping time.
  • Sleep

    I can go to sleep at 10:00, and then wake up at 7:00. If I repeat this every day it will be a routine and my body will get used to it and know when to slow down and when to get back up and go.
  • Real?

    This is a realistic goal that won't take much time to reach but I have to repeat this process every day. It is important to me to get enough sleep every night so I won't be tired the next day.
  • Sleeping time

    If I go to sleep at 10:00 then get up at 7:00, I will get 9 hours of sleep.