My life

  • My Birth

    I was born July 8 1999 and I was my moms first child
  • My Great Grandma's Death

    Both my great grandma and grandpa pass away and never got a chance to know me.
  • My new Sibling

    My brother is born and finally in not the only child.
  • Birthday Surprise

    My sister is born on my birthday and had to spend my day at home while my mom was at the hospital
  • Reunited once again

    After 5 or 7 years I finally see my cousins again and make this day the best.After there mom doesn't let us see them
  • A Person i wont Forget

    My grandma comes home with the news she's leaving to Mexico and is not coming back.
  • Time to say goodbye

    When my mom regrets all she did to my grandma and every cry's as its the last time we see her.
  • My future

    As a work hard on school I been getting ready to achieve my dream and become a professional soccer player.
  • Remembering

    The day I sat and cried for all the pain and important people I lost. I wanted a moment for myself and use this to work hard.
  • New year

    As my sophomore year at high school starts im determined to do my best and not fail.