My Goals

  • Do good in carrers

    Do good in carrers
    before this class ends i want to get a 70 or over in miss Columbuses class. By the end of this course i also want to find out what job i want to do.
  • Join a Chess club.

    Join a Chess club.
    I want to join a chess club in Ancaster High as soon as they make a chess club. During this goal i also want to be the best one their and try my very best.
  • Graduate Highschool

    Graduate Highschool
    By 2018 on June 30th I want graduate from Ancaster high with honors and 100 volunteer hours. To do this I will hard and try my best at studing doing homework and volunteering when i get the time.
  • Get into a University

    Get into a University
    Byearly summer of june 2020 i want to get into a University. This has always been the thing i have wanted most and to get this i am going to need the grades and the want to get into a university.
  • Get a University degree

    Get a University degree
    By the time I turn 25 i want to have a University degree at University of Toronto in biology and marketing using the tools and good work ethics i have built in High School.
  • A wife

    A wife
    By the time i turn 25 i want to be married. I have always wanted to buy a house and setlle down and to do this i want to have a wife with me.
  • First Long term Job

    First Long term Job
    By the Year 2026 I want to have my first long term job. This job will be about the sciences i learned in University.
  • Become a Pro

    Become a Pro
    I would like to become a Pro player in Magic the Gathering. This is a fun activitly i like to do with freinds and i feel as i age i will learn more and become a pro. I will hope to make a little extra money on top of my real job.
  • Buy My First House

    Buy My First House
    Just Before the summer begins in the year 2030, my goal is to buy my first house with my family that i already have so my kids can play on lawn and have all the space they need to grow up
  • My dream job

    My dream job
    I have jumped around things i wanted to do and i have always come back to being someone who makes other happy. Combining my skills in acting and gaming i think this job will suit me very well. I want to have this job by the time i turn 27
  • First Son

    First Son
    By the tim i am 35 i want to have my first Son. The reason it is a son because i have a brother that i really like and i have always wanted to raise and mentor a child myself.
  • 1.000.000

    By the time i am 40 i want to have made in my job a total of 1000000 dollars. This may be odd but ever since i was a little boy i have always wanted to see what a 1000000 would look like.
  • Family

    I would love to have a good relashionship with my parents and and my brother. Having a good realshinship with my family and brother is good for me because it makes me happy.
  • Retirment

    By The time I turn 65 I want to have retired from my job as a engineer and buy a house with my wife and enventually pass away.
  • Love myself

    Love myself
    My number 1 goal is to be more happy than i really. I want to love myself as i love others. By the time i die i want to treat others the way you want to be treated