
My Future

  • graduate early!

    graduate early!
    I want to grasuate early in december! i already talked to my councelor and it is possible. I am so excited and i am trying my best.
  • get a care-bear sleave

    get a care-bear sleave
    I love care-bears so much i will tattoo them on my own skin. I love care-bears!
  • college!

    I want to start college in january 2016. I want to be an art teacher!
  • get dream car!

    get dream car!
    I would love to get a camaro. Camaro's are my favorite type of car. They are so nice. I will save all my extra money just for my car.
  • Purchase a mansion!

    Purchase a mansion!
    I would like to buy a big house so all my family can come live with me!