20100112 1yuxacg2hpi871y19t8afqk5hr

my carrer

  • graduatiomn

    i graduated with a diploma
  • Period: to


  • my summer job as a skater server

    my summer job as a skater server
    got paid more for skating
  • college job to eat

    college job to eat
    got coffe for discount and helped with comunicating skills
  • going to college through 2020 to 2023

    going to college through 2020 to 2023
    gruadated with my bacholers in dance
  • got a job on broadway as a perfomer

    got a job on broadway as a perfomer
    worked there fot about a year
  • traveled to other countries performing

    traveled to other countries performing
    danced at india
  • became a dance teacher

    became a dance teacher
    i worked at nesa till i retierd