music magazine production

By zeeshan
  • case studies

    researcehd two different muscic magazines and analsyed the front pages, contents page and a double page spread of both.
  • submitted case studies

    submitted case studies, which will now count towards the research and planning area of my coursework.
  • preliminary task

    made a start on the preliminary task which was the follwing:
    In this task you will produce pages from a college magazine using PhotoShop and InDesign. You need to create a front page and a contents page, and include original photography. Include the following:
    • Front cover: a medium close-up (MCU) of a student, text such as teasers and coverlines, a masthead, date, issue number, bar code, price / free. (PhotoShop)
    • Contents page: sections, images, number of pages, editor’s letter (InDesign)
  • fineshed preliminary task

    finished preliminary taks and submitted this in.
  • Audience research- preliminary task / college magazine

    in this task i had to investigate the following based on my target audience;
    Gather audience comments and feedback on your college magazine. This may be done in class, as a focus group, or online via your website / Twitter feeds. Use the feedback to write an evaluation of your production skills to date, using the following headings:
    • What went well? Photography, image manipulation on PhotoShop, page layout, use of text including masthead and coverlines, journalism, layout on InDesign etc..
  • conducted audience feedback

  • submitted audience feedback evaluation

    after conducting audience feedback i then produced a written analysis of my fidnings, this was then submitted once finished.
  • 4. Drafting and finalizing house styles, drafts and layouts (group / individual)

    As a group we produced a house style for our music magazine. This include a masthead design and layout for the front cover. we decided that our magazine would have minimal coverlines to keep things organsied and our target audience was predominantly youths.
  • drafting and finalizing layouts

    individually we Produced layouts for our own edition of the music magazine front cover, contents page and a DPS. These included font, coverlines, teasers, titles, prices, colour scheme, models, locations, costumes and props, content of journalism.
  • produced a draft copy of our journalism magazine

    individually: Draft copy (journalism) for our DPS.
  • conducted audience feedback on our housestyles

    after producing our own indiciual draft versions of the magazine we decided to conduct audience feedback on a small sample.
  • planning and shooting

    photshoot for magazine
  • production of magazine

    dps, front page and contents page had to be finished
  • Audience research- main task / music magazine

  • Planning and scripting the Evaluation

  • Editing the Evaluation

  • uploaded all work to website