Mike Losee and Jon Weiner Timeline Project

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    The Han Dynasty

    The Han Dynasty
    206 BC - 220 AD, China flourished. The Han Dynasty was the Golden Age, and poetry, literature, and philosophy flourished the most. The conquest of many neighboring regions in 101 BC, let the Han make many Trade routes in which they trraded for their silk and gold, they got many foods that were not grown in china.
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    Death of Julius Caesar (44 BC)

    Death of Julius Caesar (44 BC)
    Once Julius Caesar became a tyrannt and named himself Emporer for Life quite a few Senators decided to make a stand. With a well thought out plan, the conspirators, on the Ides of March, assassinated Julius Caesar before he could even take the crown. In the senate hall the conspirators assassinated Julius hours before he was crowned king for life.
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    Edict of Milan

    Edict of Milan
    The Edict of Milan was a porclamation that stated that anyone could follow their own religion without getting punished or prosecuted. Also, all property confiscated from the Christians was returned. This edict also astablished a religious tolerance that no other edict before it accomplished.
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    The Gupta Empire begins

    The Gupta Empire begins
    the gupta empire was the golden age of ancient india. it is thought that the empire started with Chandra Gupta. Samudra Gupta was Chandras succesor. samudra expanded the Gupta empire and had many military victories. the main religion of the empire was hinduism. the empire lasted around 230 years.
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    The Fall of The Gupta Empire

    The Fall of The Gupta Empire
    the gupta empire was great in its time. however it had been spread too thin and was attacked continuosly by the hunas. it also had major political problems with bengal. it eventually collapsed around 550ad