Medieval centuries

  • 529

    Foundation of Benedictine Order

    Foundation of Benedictine Order
    Catholic order ruled by Saint Benedict. Importance: spread of Western monastic tradition, allowed directory for government and monastery, and popularized studies of God
  • 622


    Muhammad lef his followers to Medina
    Importance: escaping of persecution of Meccans
  • 756

    Papal State

    Papal State
    Beginning of extending of popal control over territories in Central Italy.
    Importance: allowed the pope freedom within possessing lands without having loyalty.
  • 862

    Rurik dynasty

    Rurik dynasty
    Rurikxdynasty raised to power in Russia
    Importance: foundation of one of the two biggest dynasties in Russia
  • 1054

    The Great Schism

    The Great Schism
    Time when the split of Christianity into two Churches happened ( Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox ) .
    Importance: appearance of two major Christian branches.
  • 1077

    Walk to Canossa

    Walk to Canossa
    Holly Roman Emperor Henry IV arrived to Canossa to ask for forgiveness from Pope Gregory VII because the former was excommunicated from church.
    Importance: The Pope showed much more significance than the king
  • 1096

    First Crusade

    First Crusade
    Beginning of first Christian campaign when Roman Catholics went to Holy Land to recapture it from Muslim control.
    Importance: release Jerusalem from Muslims
  • 1295

    Modern Parliament

    Modern Parliament
    Importance: Edward I established English Parliament
  • 1337

    Hundred Years' War

    Hundred Years' War
    Beginning of the war
    Importance: to weaken England and France, that subsequently prevented them from war for dominance over some European territories
  • 1397

    Kalmar Union

    Kalmar Union
    Union od Denmark, Sweden, Norway formed under the single monarchy.
    Importance: to block German expansion into the Baltic region