Matthew's Timeline

  • Birth

    I had $0 when I was a baby. I didn't have any thoughts of saving money. My dad worked for a construction company and my mom was still in college. We didn't have a lot of money at the time. I also had an older brother.
  • 5 years old

    At age 5, my mom was out of college, Working as a nurse practitioner. My dad was still working for the same company he was when I was born. We had a decent ammount of money; above average.
  • 10 years old

    Around thuis time, my parent got a divorce. My mom is sill alone to this day, but my dad has a fiance. My dad and his fiance have a good ammount of money. I now have 2 step siblings a boy and a girl. My dad has been laid off from his construction job.
  • Mom gets new job

    My mom has now gotten a better job with more pay and a week on-week off scedule. She enjos her new job and new benefits.
  • Present day

    I have a job at a restaraunt. I work 2 days a week with a
    475 weekly income. I live with my mother most of the time now. In just turned 15 a few days ago. I have a savings account with a good ammount of money in it. I am saving up for my very first car. My parents both have jobs.
  • Goals in 2 years

    I want to have enough money to buy a car that is at least $5,000.
  • Juinior Year of High School

    I am now a junior in high schol. I hope to have a nice car and nice job, paying for insurace and job.
  • Future Goals after high school

    I would like to go to Indiana University. I want to have 0 student loan debt after I'm done with college.
  • After College

    I want to have a high paying job with a good schedule and hours. I eventually want to have a family and kids and be very wealthy. I don't want to have to worry about debt at all. I don't want debt to come to mind.