Lifetime Personal Health

By kmach98
  • 20's

    I will get my nutrition from consistent healthy eating, I'll get a lot of my exercise from running and also some from playing tennis. I will regularly stretch to avoid injuries when I am older.
  • Period: to

    Lifetime Health

  • 30's

    I will be eating lots of greens and seafood to maintain a healthy diet along with frequent tennis play and even some dancing to keep me active. I plan to visit the doctor regularly so i keep good health.
  • 40's

    At this time in my life, my physical ability and energy will begin to decrease so i will need to ensure that i eat a lot of protein and iron rich foods to maintain good energy and health. I will also be having regular chiropractor visits so i keep my body aligned and in good condition.
  • 50's

    At this time in my life, I will need to be on top of my physical health to maintain good shape. Ill be running on the weekends in addition to playing tennis frequently. I will try to completely cut out all fatty and greasy foods from here on out because that bad food will really affect me at this age. I will try to attend some yoga classes once a week in addition to regular chiropractor visits.
  • 60's

    I will reduce my amount of exercise some and take more time to do gentle exercise like light jogs and yoga. I will try to take in a lot of calcium as my bones will naturally start to weaken and ill avoid all unhealthy food. I will try set aside some time each week for a hot tub session to calm my body and to help me relax