King Louis XIV

  • Birth

  • Succeeded his fahter as king

    Succeeded his fahter as king
    This was when Louis was officially given the title of king, but because he was only 4 years at this time, Cardinal Mazarin was the actual ruler of France.
  • Paris nobles riot against Cardinal Mazarin and Threaten King Louis' life- causing him to grow a hatred for nobles that lasts his whole life

    Nobles rioted because they did not like Cardinal Mazarin. From 1648-1653 violent riots against Marzarin occured and some noble leaders of the riots made threats against King Louis' Life. Throughout his life, King Louis would never forgive the nobles for this.
  • Marries Maria Theresa

    Marries Maria Theresa
    In 1660 King Louis XIV marries Maria Theresa of Austria, who is the daughter of Phillip IV, who was the king of Spain.
  • Mazarin dies and Louis decides to take over

    Mazarin dies and Louis decides to take over
  • Had construction of the Palace of Versailles begin

  • Invaded the Spanish Netherlands

    King Louis XIV wanted to exapnd France's borders so he invaded the Spanish Netherlands.
  • King Louis XIv leads his army into Dutch Netherlands

    He was inspired by his success when he invaded the Spanish Netherlands, so he decided to lead his army into the Dutch Netherlands himself. However, this failed because the Dutch opened their dikes and flooded the countryside.
  • Treaty of Nijmegan

    This treaty ended the war that King Louis XIV had started.
  • The Palace of Versailles is finished

  • King Louis XIV moves his government to the Palace of Versailles

    King Louis XIV moves his government to the Palace of Versailles
  • King Louis XIV's wife, Maria Theresa, dies

  • King Louis XIV marries Madame de Maintenon

    King Louis XIV marries Madame de Maintenon
    After King Louis XIV's wife dies, he remarries to Madame de Maintenon.
  • King Louis XIV revokes the Eddict of Nantes

    King Louis XIV revokes the Eddict of Nantes, which protected Hugenots (French protestants) freedom to worship. After King Louis does this, many Hugenots leave the country, many of which were skilled workers who had helped the economy.
  • King Charles II of Spain dies and leaves his throne to King Louis XIV's grandson

    King Charles II of Spain died, and with no children of his own, he leaves his throne to King Louis XIV's grandson, Philip of Anjou. This increases the power of the French Bourbon Dynasty, and many other countries feel threatened by this, so they joined together to prevent the union of the Spanish and French thrones. This causes a conflict that leads to the War of Spanish Succession.
  • King Louis XIV dies