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king james/ mgolez3

  • king james' reign starts

    king james' reign starts
    after the death of Elizabeth I. James VI of Scotland becomes King James I of England, Scotland, and Ireland
  • peace conference

    peace conference
    . the peace between england and spain was a result of the somerset house peace conference
  • plot

    Guy Fawkes and other Catholic dissidents plotted against james and planned to blow up the parliament with gunpowder.
  • executuion

    the people who plotted against james were killed, beheaded and their heads were put on spikes on the house of lords
  • rejection

    the union with scotland was rejected by the english parliament
  • heirs

    James' daughter Elizabeth marries Frederick V, Elector of Palatine. Their descendants in House of Hanover will eventually inherit the British Throne.
  • james' death

    james' death
    james 1 died