
Ivan The Terrible

By Drake00
  • Aug 25, 1530

    Ivan was born

    Ivan was born
  • Period: Aug 25, 1533 to

    Ivan the Terrible Reign

    Ivan the Terrible Reigned from August 25th 1533 to March 18th 1584
  • Dec 3, 1533

    Ivan's Father dies

    Ivan's Father dies
    Vasili III
    Ivan's Father died December 3rd 1533
  • Apr 4, 1538

    Elena Glinskaya "Mother"

    Elena Glinskaya "Mother"
    Ivan's mother ruled until her death in 1538
  • Feb 3, 1547

    Ivan Marries Anastasia Romanovna

    Ivan Marries Anastasia Romanovna
    This was Ivan's best relationship.
  • Dec 7, 1547

    Ivan's Reign starts

    Ivan's Reign starts
    Ivan was 16 when he became the Czar.
  • Dec 6, 1549

    Constructive period

    Constructive period
    Ivan started tax collection, rural religions, and church reforms along with giving people certain positions in his council.
  • Dec 7, 1552

    Takes control of Kazan

    Takes control of Kazan
    Ivan expanded east after taking control of Kazan.
  • Dec 7, 1555

    Ivan builds a Cathedral to commemorate his father.

    Ivan builds a Cathedral to commemorate his father.
    Ivan built St Basil's Cathedral
  • Dec 7, 1564

    Ivan leaves Moscow, Russia

    Ivan leaves Moscow, Russia
    Ivan leaves Moscow after his wife's death.
  • Ivan's son dies

    Ivan's son dies
    Ivan kills his own son.
  • Ivan's Reign Ends

    Ivan's Reign Ends
  • Ivan's Death

    Ivan's Death
    Ivan died 1584