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Ivan the Terrible

  • Aug 25, 1530

    Event #1

    Event #1
    On August 25th, 1530, Ivan the Terrible was born in Moscow Russia. He was born to Vasili the third and Elena. His father was the king at the time, but not for much longer. He died when Ivan was only three years old. This is important because Ivan the Terrible would later become the first czar of Russia in 1547. (Rice 23)
  • 1532

    Event #2

    Event #2
    In 1532 sugarcane was first cultivated in Brazil (Grun 237). It was planted by the Portuguese. Since then, it has played a major role in Brazil’s social, political, and economic history. This is important because Brazil is now the world’s leading sugar producer and exporter. More than one hundred countries rely on Brazil for their sugar ("SugarCane").
  • Jul 24, 1534

    Event #3

    Event #3
    On July 24, 1534, New France was colonized by France. The French navigator and explorer, Jacques Cartier, entered the Gulf of St. Lawrence and claimed New France for King Francis I. This is important because New France would later on establish a French- speaking and Roman Catholic population in America (VanDooren).
  • 1546

    Event #4

    Event #4
    In December of 1546, Ivan held a service in the Kremlin’s Cathedral of the Assumption. The boyars were told that they had to attend this service. He announced that he wanted to get married. He said that he wanted to marry a country woman for the sake of the Union. On top of announcing that he wanted to get married, he also said that he wanted to be crowned czar. This is important because there has never been a czar in Russia before and there soon would be a queen of Russia (Rice 28-29).
  • Jun 21, 1547

    Event #5

    Event #5
    On June 21, 1547 a fire broke out in Moscow. The fire did not go out until the next morning. The fire burnt down buildings inside the Kremlin and two ancient cathedrals. The Metropolitan's palace had been badly damaged. This is important because it destroyed the city and was one of the first major events that had happened during Ivan’s period of ruling (Rice 32-33).
  • 1552

    Event #6

    Event #6
    In August of 1552, Ivan led his army into Kazan to seize it. After six weeks of the siege dragging on, Ivan and his men stormed the town. The Muslim population was expelled and Russian colonists started moving in. Four years later, in 1556, he seized Astrakhan. This is important because it strengthened Russia’s hold over the area ("Ivan the Terrible").
  • 1560

    Event #7

    Event #7
    In 1560 Madrid became the capital of Spain. The capital of Spain was moved to Madrid because King Philip II moved the court there. This is important because Madrid is still the capital to this day. (Grun 247)
  • Aug 7, 1560

    Event #8

    Event #8
    On August 7, 1560, Ivan’s first wife, Anastasia died. She is said to have died supposedly from being poisoned. The death of Anastasia left Ivan heartbroken. At times he would refuse to see his children. This is important because after this event Ivan’s behavior became very erratic. (Rice 39)
  • 1561

    Event #9

    Event #9
    In 1561 Ivan the Terrible married for a second time. He married Maria Temryukovna. He married her for political advantage. He didn’t really love her. This second marriage is important because it made Ivan much more violent. He started threatening people of death who annoyed him. (Rice 40)
  • 1564

    Event #10

    Event #10
    In 1564 Ivan threatened to abdicate the throne. He secretly left Moscow. The people called for his return. After a month of negotiations he agreed to come back, only if he had absolute power to punish anyone he thought was unloyal and take their lands as he wished. He used this as a weapon against the boyars stopping his position as absolute ruler. This is important because he had left Moscow leaderless, in panic, and it shows how he wanted absolute power over Russia. (H. and D. Thomas 161)
  • Oct 18, 1564

    Event #11

    Event #11
    On October 18, 1564, John Hawkins set out on his second voyage (Grun 249). He was seeking to earn a profit by selling African slaves to the Spanish settlements of the New World. His voyage was extremely profitable. This is important because it led to the establishment of the English slave trade between Africa and the West Indies (Sparke).
  • 1565

    Event #12

    Event #12
    As a result of Anastasia’s death, in 1565 Ivan set up a secret police. They were called the Oprichnina. Their job was to find people who were supposedly plotting against Ivan. Once they found the people, they were ordered to take their land and then put the people to death. This is important because he began to destroy the infrastructure of his country. He also conducted a reign of terror and killed many people (Carole).
  • Dec 28, 1573

    Event #13

    Event #13
    Michelangelo Merisi was born on December 28, 1573 in Italy. He was orphaned at age 11 and then apprenticed with a painter. This is important because Michelangelo Merisi, also known as Caravaggio, would later become a very famous Italian painter (Grun 253)
  • Sep 21, 1575

    Event #14

    Event #14
    On September 21, 1575, a major hurricane called San Mateo hit Puerto Rico. At the time, both the French and Spain were trying to seize Florida. Before the hurricane hit, French troops set out to sea. The hurricane hit, killing much of the fleet. This event is important because it eliminated French control in Florida ("1565- San Mateo Hurricane").
  • Nov 19, 1581

    Event #15

    Event #15
    On November 19, 1581, Ivan killed his son. They were having an argument and Ivan became so angry that he started hitting his son with his cane. He hit him in the temple, killing him. This is important because his son was next in line to rule ("Ivan the Terrible").
  • Event #16

    Event #16
    Ivan the Terrible died on March 28, 1584. He supposedly died from a stroke. This is important because it left Russia in complete chaos ("Ivan the Terrible").