After hours chicago skyline illinois


  • Earn an advanced degree

    I plan on graduation from Alverno college and earning my masters degree in Nursing
  • Living in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

    Living in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
    i plan on moving to wisconsin to attent a college out there. Alverno college is the college i will be attending and that is the reason for my move out there. i will have to save about $2,500 before i do move out there beacuse i will need to be able to afford necesities
  • Renting an apartment

    Renting an apartment
    Beacuse i plan on living out here to attend college, my friend and i plan on living together. We will be saving up as much as we can to be able to afford a two bedroom apartment.
  • Buy a new car

    Buy a new car
    I plan on buying a 2015 chevy malibu. The cost is around 23,000 and i plan on saving up and if i cant then i will lease the car if that is better for me.
  • Attend College

    Attend College
    My goal is to attend the all girls college called Alverno college located in Milwaukee Wiscinson. The tuition for this school is 24,434 so i will be needing to save money up to attend.
  • Pay taxes and vote

    Pay taxes and vote
    I plan on paying taxes while working also with renting my paprtment which will collect taxes as well. I also plan on voting when i turn 18 and the next election comes beacuse that would be an experience ive never done before
  • Get a job

    Get a job
    I hope by this time to have a slod job with a solid paycheck. I would like to start nursing or becoming a nurses aid until i finish my college degrees.

    I have finally found the one i am going to marry. I will start planning my wedding before this day so it will take a while but this is when i plan on having my wedding day.
  • Having a child

    Having a child
    i plan on having kids after i get my masters degree and have steady job that way i will be able to afford all the things that my child will have.