

  • Get a car

    Get a car
    I turn 16 in May, so Iwant to get a car so Ican be more independent. Also then my parents wont have to help drive me around as much.
  • Get good grades and Graduate from high school

    Get good grades and Graduate from high school
    This will give me an oppirtunity to go to a good college. Also it will help me get a job.
  • Go to college

    Go to college
    I want to be an engineer. so I need to find a college that has a good program for that. This will require to do well in high school.
  • Become an engineer.

    Become an engineer.
    After taking college for 4 years, I expext to fing a job that relates to engineering. This way money will not be an issue for me.
  • Get Married

    Get Married
    I would like to have someone in my life that i can ask to marry me. Then shortly after I can get a house.
  • Own a Home.

    Own a Home.
    I have always wanted to own a home. Hopefully my career will provide enough money for me to do so.
  • Have kids

    Have kids
    I would want to have kids when I have a stable job and a house. This way I could give my kids a good life.
  • Go on a family vacation to Spain

    Go on a family vacation to Spain
    I have always wanted to go to Spain, and once i have a family, I can go on a big vacation. Alsoif my job works good, I should have plenty of money.
  • Move to California

    Move to California
    I like Omaha, but it would be nice for a change. California would be an ideal place to live since it' s nice out, and has a beach.
  • Get Retired

    Get Retired
    By this time, I should be retiered. I can just relax when I'm older. I will have moeny saved up for this.