Cash loan

Goal Setting Timeline

  • Smart Goal

    Smart Goal
    I will save 20 percent of my paycheck for the next 2 years to buy a new car with better gas mileage because the opportunity cost of saving for a new car is greater than spending it on entertainment.
  • I start saving 20 percent of my check.

    I start saving 20 percent of my check.
  • I choose to skip the premier of the new Jesse Owens movie to save money against.

    I choose to skip the premier of the new Jesse Owens movie to save money against.
  • I am halfway to my goal and have successfully saved 20 percent of my paycheck for one year. I have one year to go.

    I am halfway to my goal and have successfully saved 20 percent of my paycheck for one year. I have one year to go.
  • I am ready to purchase my car and have saved up 22,000 dollars to buy it.

    I am ready to purchase my car and have saved up 22,000 dollars to buy it.
  • I am offered a discount on a cruise and I choose to turn it down to stay on track.

    I am offered a discount on a cruise and I choose to turn it down to stay on track.