Glorious revolution

Glorious Revolution Timeline

  • English Civil War

    English Civil War
    The English Civil War was also called the Great Rebellion, that took place in the British Isles between supporters of the monarchy of Charles I and opposing groups in each of Charle's kingdoms. The English Civil Wars is considered to have begun in England in August 1642, when Charles I raised an army against the wishes of Parliament, ostensibly to deal with a rebellion in Ireland.
  • English Restoration

    English Restoration
    The Restoration of monarchy began in England in 1660. It marked the return of Charles II as king (1660-85) following the period of Oliver Cromwell's Commonwealth. Also it wanted to restore monarchy after the disaster of military dictatorship. English literature was found in 1660, during the English Restoration.
  • James Issues his second Declaration of Indulgence for England

    James Issues his second Declaration of Indulgence for England
    In 1688 James reissued his Declaration of Indulgence for the second consecutive year. This declaration suspended all laws in matters ecclesiastical for not attending the established Church of England or not receiving communion according to its rites. The declaration applied to Catholics, Protestants, Unitarians Jews, Muslims, and people of any or even with no faith.
  • Privy Council summons the Seven Bishops

    Privy Council summons the Seven Bishops
    On June 3rd, the Seven Bishops were brought to trial before the Court of King's bench on a charge of seditious libel. The Privy Council submitted a petition to the king in which they refused to obey the King's order. Overall, the Privy Council failed to summon the Seven Bishops.
  • The Trial of the Seven Bishops

    The Trial of the Seven Bishops
    The Trial of the Seven Bishops was a turning point of history. It involved issues of church and state, the authority of the monarchy, and the power of the judiciary. In 1688 king James II brought the seven bishops of the Church of England. The trial went successful and helped to encourage the opposition to the King.
  • Louis XIV invades the Rhineland

    Louis XIV invades the Rhineland
    Rhineland was a region of Germany for many years. It produced coal, steel, and iron resources. The Rhineland held a natural barrier to its rival neighbour France, which led Louis XIV to invade Rhineland.
  • Nine Years War

    Nine Years War
    Also known as the War of the Grand Alliance, a conflict that resulted from French aggression in the Rhineland, and that subsequently became a power struggle between Louis XIV of France and William III of Britain. In 1688 when French armies invaded Cologne and the Palatinate, the members of the League of Augsburg took up arms. The war was a severe defeat for France because it had few resources and lost the war.
  • The act of Toleration

    The act of Toleration
    This Toleration Act was passed in Great Britain, and was caused through the differences of various religions groups, including the Puritans and the Catholics. Although this was an act passed in Great Britain, this granted Puritans, but not Catholics the right to free public worship in England.
  • William and Mary

    William and Mary
    Mary's father, James II was withdrawn from the throne by parliament. Her father was withdrawn from the throne and parliament offered it to Mary and her husband William, of Orange the ruler of Netherlands, who was formerly her cousin. They maintained power in England due to the restrictions set on their amount of power.
  • English Bill of Rights

    English Bill of Rights
    The English Bill of Rights was formally an act declaring the rights and liberties of the subject and settling the succession of the crown(1689) , one of the struggle between the Stuart kings, and the English people, and Parliament. The main purpose of the act was unequivocally to declare illegal various practices of James II.