Get a good paying job`

  • SMART Goal

    S- Have a good paying job.
    M- When I have a set job that fits what I have studies for.
    A- Graduate college and get my degree, then apply for jobs and find a job that fits me and what I do.
    R- It takes a lot of time and work to achieve this goal
    T- This goal should be reached in 10-15 years
  • Step 1

    Go to a school that is the best for me, and is going to give me the best education, and degree.
  • Step 2

    Take classes that are going to help me with whatever career path I choose to go down.
  • Step 3

    Work hard, and graduate college.
  • Step 4

    Get a good job by getting an internship with a good company.
  • Step 5

    Work hard, and get to the top of the pay scale.
  • Step 6

    Have a good paying job, so I can support my family.
    Get a good paying job.