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French Revolution time like task 1

  • National Assembly Declared

    National Assembly Declared
    The National Assembly was a Revolutionary Assembly of The Third Estate. This was the start of the French Revolution and continued to lead it until it was replaced by the Legislative Assembly.
  • The Beginning of the Revolution

    The Beginning of the Revolution
    The beginning of the Revolution had started with the Storming of the Bastille. This was big for the people of France as the Bastille represented royal authority. The Bastille was not only a representation of royal authority but was an armory and a political fortress.
  • Constitutional Freedom

    Constitutional Freedom
    The very first French Constitution, which didn't last long, was a big stepping stone for the French people. King Louis XVI has successfully signed the constitution and it was accepted by the people.
  • The September Massacre/ the "First Terror"

    The September Massacre/ the "First Terror"
    The September Massacre were mass murders spanning over several days. It was feared prison inmates would be freed and join the continuous killings. This went on for five days, ending on the seventh.
  • French Civil War

    French Civil War
    Tensions sparked between the Revolutionaries and the Royalists. A war was fought between the country and the Revolutionaries came out on top
  • Committee of Public Safety

    Committee of Public Safety
    They believed that France was in imminent peril of falling into a second civil war and that terror was needed to prevent any cost of another war. Began by placing people they thought were divisive under house arrest to protect public safety and executed many of those people.
  • Kings Grasp 2.0/ Reign of Terror

    Kings Grasp 2.0/ Reign of Terror
    The Reign of Terror began when the committee of public safety was created as the defacto wartime government who believed that terror is a speedy severe justice. Thousands of people were executed during this time which ended with the overthrowing and execution of Maximilien De Robespierre. Ended on 7/27/1794
  • Free from Reign again

    Free from Reign again
    A national convention was called to create a new constitution to restructure the government. The new government would be composed of five officers called the Directory. Annual elections for the directory would be held to keep the govenrment in check allowing checks and ballances much like the new government of the united states.
  • The Coup of 1799

    The Coup of 1799
    Failing war efforts caused people to distrust the directory and people were calling for peace at home and abroad. This gave Napoleon the chance to overthrow the directory and establish himself as the first council of a military dictatorship effectivly ending the French Revolution.
  • Royal Release

    Royal Release
    King Louis XVI was executed by guillotine. This was the perfered methyod of execution at the time.