King louis xvi11

French Revolution Block G 2012

By kralls
  • Estates General is called

    This is important because King Louis tried to tax the 1st and 2nd estates but the general said no. Then Estates General blocked out the 3rd estate and started the National Assembly
  • Storming of the Bastille

    This is important because it showed that the people were in support of the Revolution and the National Assembly. It also influenced other people to join the Revolutionary cause. Because of it's importance, it is still celebrated as a holiday
  • Constitution

    Became a Constitutional Monarchy. More power was given to the Third Estate by reducing the king's power.
  • War is declared on Austria and Prussia

    During the war against Austria and Prussia, France attacked but their army did not do well and France was invaded. Because of this, the Revolution in France declined.
  • France invades Belgium and S. Germany

    It was an unwelcome distraction from the Revolution. It caused finacial distress and food shortages throughout France.
  • Convention declares French Rebublic

    In August, 1792 the Convention declared France a Republic. They thought that they must liberate the human race from all tyrants. To do this they vowed to overthrow all thrones.
  • King Louis XVI is beheaded

    King has died. No more monarchy is in affect, and France is declared a republic. The power is given to the people, and there is no more tyrant ruler.
  • Reign of Terror

    It began when King Luis XVI was exicuted at the guillotine, and then Maximillan Robespirre came to power. He took away freedom of speach and other rights of citizens, and if anyone broke the law they were killed.
  • Robespierre is executed

    This is important because it marked the end of "The Reign of Terror". France came to their senses and realized that the key to the revolution was not violence, and the only way to end violence in their eyes was to kill Robbespierre.
  • Directory is established

    The Directory were 5 former noblemen who were not revolutionary idealists. They excluded radicals and royalists and often bended the constitution to fit their own needs. This led to corruption and inefficiency.