
French Revolution

  • Period: to

    Great Fear

    Response: Peasants feared noble plot and riot in the country.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    ~~Parisian commoneters stormed the Bastille in support of the National Assembly.~~
    Response-Louis XVI accepted the National Assembly as the government.
    __Escalation-August 4th and 26th: The National Assembly ended tax exemption for nobles and drafted the Declaration of the Rights of Man which outlined a government with power residing in the people.
  • Passing the Civil Constitution of the Clergy

    Passing the Civil Constitution of the Clergy
    __Escalation: The National Assembly passed this law, the constitution confiscated all church property for the government and promised government wages for clergy. Church-goers would also vote for their priests and bishops.
    ~~Reaction: This did not go over well with the clergy and the peoples. They hid priests in reaction.
  • Constitutional Monarchy

    Constitutional Monarchy
    __Escalation: The National Assembly passed France’s first constitution. This constitution called for a constitutional monarchy, and the king would govern alongside a Legislative Assembly.
    **Reaction: King hated the loss of power and tried to flee to Austria-Hungary, ruled by the queen's cousin. The revolutionaries stopped them.
  • War on Austria

    War on Austria
    __Escalation: The King and the Legislative Assembly called for war on Austria because they thought a win may make Europe more revolutionary. But they forgot all their commanders fled.
  • Universal Male Sufferage

    ~~Response and Escalation: The sans-culottes demanded the Legislative Assembly to be more radical due to pushback from Austria and Prussia. Thus, France now had universal male suffrage.
  • National Convention

    National Convention
    __Response: With elections now being a thing, the new governing body was called the National Convention. It voted to abolish the monarchy and have a republic. Among the groups on the rise were the Jacobins, who wanted more change; the Girondins, who didn't feel so strongly about axing the king; and the Mountain, who wanted a lot more change.
  • Period: to

    Resistance and Rebellion

    ~~Reaction: Change was coming too fast for some, especially in Vendee and Lyon. For the latter half of the year, the Committee killed over 2,000 rebels.
    __Response: Jean Paul Marat is assassinated in July 1793 by a pro-Girondin lady.
    __Response: A court supported by the committee votes to execute the queen in October. They also, in wanting to be more rational, used a more secular calendar, implemented the metric system, and removed religious symbols in a policy of de-Christianization.
  • Period: to

    XVI Execution and the Committee of Public Safety

    __Escalation: Louis XVI is put to the guillotine and now there is no more monarchy.
    __Response: After continuous resistance from Austria and Prussia, the National Convention gave power to the Committee of Public Safety and its head, Maximilien Robespierre. They executed all who they deemed weren't revolutionary enough.
  • Thermidorian Reaction

    Thermidorian Reaction
    __Reaction: Robespierre wanted to execute more groups who he thought weren't revolutionary enough. This included the sans-culottes and the Dantonists. On 07/27/1794, he presented a list to the National Convention who needed to be executed. The body called him nuts, arrested him, and executed him. This is what is known as the Thermidorian Reaction.
  • The Directory

    __Reaction: A second constitution is written, giving power to a body called the Directory. It was less radical, and it called out the clergy and the nobles less. The army, now operating on a merit system, pushed back German invaders and created a satellite democracy in the former Dutch Republic.
  • Period: to

    Rise of Napoleon

    Escalation: Napoleon is gaining ranks after creating sister republics in Italian areas formerly controlled by Austria.
  • Egyptian Campaign

    Egyptian Campaign
    __Failed Reaction: The army and the peasants LOVED Napoleon. The Directory didn't and shipped him on the Egyptian Campaign. Napoleon failed, but people thought he was even more daring.
  • First Consul of the French Republic

    First Consul of the French Republic
    Convolution: Bonaparte wanted to change the Constitution of 1795. He was mocked as a dictator, but his brother got soldiers to threaten the government, and the government declared Bonaparte First Consul of the French Republic.