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French Revolution

  • Meeting of the Estates General

    Meeting of the Estates General
    The king was having money issues and went bankrupt so he made this meeting everyone has to go to and asked the people in the meeting to pay him more taxes. The meeting was so the king could talk about the issues of France but ended up starting a revolution.
  • Storming the Bastille

    Storming the Bastille
    The Storming of Bastille was yet again another revolt against government authority.The mission was to save 7 people and the revolutionaries look at it as monarchy being an abusive power. Earlier that day they stormed others military controled places for guns to aid in the fight.
  • The declaration of the rights of man and citizen

    The declaration of the rights of man and citizen
    The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen was published so people knew that the government knew that they all desired equal rights. Even though they said the people have rights they still went on with the revolution for many years.
  • Womens march Versailles

    Womens march Versailles
    The women's march on Versailles has many names like the October march or the march on Versailles. the march is said to be one of the earliest and most significant revolutionary acts of the French revolution.
  • France declares war on Austria

    France declares war on Austria
    Revolutionaries wanted war because they thought a war would unify the country. France had a genuine desire to spread the ideas of the Revolution to all of Europe.
  • Execution of King Louis

    Execution of King Louis
    The revolutionaries had a vote by which it got more votes the kings head would be cut off. To nobodies surprise (except for maybe the king) the vote pass and he was executed.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror plunged France into a deep terror of enemy invaders and France itself. The people or leaders of the revolution were scared of being attacked by outsiders and took every precaution to make sure their people were still with them as well. Harsh punishment was put on those who were suspected to be a traitor of the revolution.
  • Execution of Marie Antoinette

    Execution of Marie Antoinette
    After the monarchy was destroyed the people wanted more and who better to take than the Queen and cut her head off. There was a trial and it was proven she was guilty and sentenced to death by guillotine.
  • The execution of Robespierre

    The execution of Robespierre
    The execution of Robespierre is a very well known part of the revolution for being one of the most ironic events. Robespierre was more of a leader than a fellow revolutionist but like everybody else thought his beliefs were better than most or all. Robespierre got a lot of people heads cut off back then and some people of france did not believe in this so they said why not cut his head of.
  • Napoleon's coup d'etat

    Napoleon's coup d'etat
    The Coup D'etat raised Napoleon to power as the first consul of France. Many historians thought of this as the end of the revolutionary war in France.