Jacques bertaux   prise du palais des tuileries   1793

French Revolution

By evanhsu
  • Period: to

    Estates General Meeting

    Members from all three Estates met for the first time in 175 years, discussing raising taxes. Representing the Third Estate, Maximilien Robespierre demanded that the nobility and clergy pay taxes.
  • National Assembly Formed

    National Assembly Formed
    The Third Estate deputies got locked out from the Estates General, so they formed their own assembly representing the true people of France.
  • Tennis Court Oath declared

    Tennis Court Oath declared
    Those in the National Assembly swore that they would not stop meeting until they had a new constitution.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    Crowds banded together and attacked the Bastille in support of the new National Assembly and the revolution starting to take place.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man Written

    Declaration of the Rights of Man Written
    A revolutionary declaration was written by the National Assembly calling for an end to tyranny and a representative government that would protect the freedom and equality of all men.
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    Legislative Assembly makes laws in France

    The Legislative Assembly made laws in France. It was composed of three major groups: the conservatives, moderates, and radicals who all had different beliefs and were made up of different classes.
  • Execution of King Louis XVI

    Execution of King Louis XVI
    King Louis XVI was executed due to his unpopularity among the people and to overthrow the monarchy.
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    Committee of Public Safety governs France

    The Committee of Public Safety was a twelve man council who governed France to create greater public safety.
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    Dechristianization was a period of time when Robespierre attempted to destroy the power of the Catholic Church by getting rid of any presence of the Church in society.
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    The Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror was a period of mass killings of anyone suspected of being against of the revolution. Most of these deaths were done by guillotine.
  • Execution of Maximilien Robespierre

    Execution of Maximilien Robespierre
    Maximilien Robespierre was executed because he formulated a list of new enemies but wasn't willing to share it, making even those closest to him fear that they may be on it. Robespierre's execution also marked the end to the Reign of Terror.
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    The Directory controls France

    The Directory was a temporary government that controlled France for five years following the Reign of Terror.
  • Napoleon takes over in a coup d'etat

    Napoleon takes over in a coup d'etat
    Napoleon Bonaparte drove out the members of the national legislature and established a group of three consuls in a coup d'etat.
  • Napoleon signs Concordat with Catholic Church

    Napoleon signs Concordat with Catholic Church
    Napoleon Bonaparte signed a concordat with the Catholic Church, which is an agreement which established a new relationship between the church and state.
  • Napoleon creates the Napoleonic Code

    Napoleon creates the Napoleonic Code
    Napoleon Bonaparte created the Napoleonic Code, which is a comprehensive system of laws that gave the country a uniform set of laws and eliminated many injustices. However, it limited liberty and promoted order and authority over individual rights.
  • Napoleon crowns himself emperor of France

    Napoleon crowns himself emperor of France
    Napoleon Bonaparte crowned himself emperor of France with the support of the French voters.
  • Napoleon dies after he is banished to island of St. Helena

    Napoleon dies after he is banished to island of St. Helena
    Napoleon died as a British prisoner after he was banished to the island of St. Helena.