Foundations Timeline

  • 2.5 Million B.C.E.

    Homo sapiens began to emerge in eastern Africa.
    The development of human hunting skills.
    Visual completion of rudimentary human evolution.
  • Period: to

    WHAP Foundations Period Timeline -Stephon Brooks

  • 1 Million B.C.E.

    Homo erectus the first upright, tool-using human species emerged.
  • 600,000 B.C.E.

    Human species began to spread vastly across Asia, Europe, and Africa.
    Humans were able to control fire.
  • 120,000 B.C.E.

    Homo sapiens sapiens suceeded past human species.
  • 30,000-25,000 B.C.E

    First record of migration to the Americas.
  • 15,000-12,000 B.C.E.

    The domestication of dogs occured
  • 8,500-3500 B.C.E

    At this point sheeps, pigs, goats, and cattle were all domesticated animals.
    Neolithic people developed agriculture in the Middle East.
    Populations increased due to food stabilty that was acquired from the Agricultural Revolution.
  • 7,000 B.C.E.

    Early Neolithic settlement of Jericho was established.
  • 5,600 B.C.E.

    Beans were domesticated in the Western world.
  • 5,000 B.C.E.

    Humans began to domesticate corn.
    The culture of Yangshao was introduced in northern China.
    Early Japaneese settlement.
  • 4,000 B.C.E.

    Writing, Bronze metal-working, the wheel, and the plow were all developed in the Middle East.
  • 3500 B.C.E.

    Innovative Sumerian civilization was developed.
  • 3,100 B.C.E.

    The Egyptian civilization was founded and began to blossom in this time period.
  • 2,500 B.C.E.

    The first river valley civilization known as the Indus was set in south Asia.
    2,000 B.C.E. Germans settled in Denmark
  • 1,850 B.C.E.

    Chineese Shang kingdom originated at this time
  • 1,800 B.C.E.

    The Middle Eastern Babylonian Empire was formed.
  • 1,700 B.C.E.

    Village culture arose in Mesoamerica.
    Indo-Europeans invaded Greek peninsula
  • 1,600 B.C.E.

    Civilizations spread to Crete (Minoan).
    Beginnings of Indo-European invasions of India and parts of the Mediteranean and Middle East.
    Aryans invaded India.
  • 1,500

    Polynesian migrations
    Vedic Age
  • 1,400 B.C.E

    Trojan War: Kingdom of Mycenae
  • 1,250 B.C.E.

    Moses and Jewish exodus from Egypt; according ot Jewish myth
  • 1,500 B.C.E.

  • 1,200 B.C.E.

    The sacred Vedas was composed
  • 1,112 B.C.E.

    Initial Zhou kingdom was established.
    Standard spoken language was introduced (1029)
  • 1,000 B.C.E.

    Germans expand southward.
    Epic Age: Mahabharata, Ramayana, and Upanishads composed.
    Independent kingdom of Kush.
    Plynesians reached Fiji,and Samoa.
  • 900 B.C.E.

    Maya begins
  • 850 B.C.E.

    Chavin culture (Andes)
  • 800 B.C.E.

    The rise of Greek City-States.
    Bantu migration, sub-saharan Africa.
    Athens and Sparta become dominant.
    Spread of Olmec civilization: cultivation of corn, and potatoes.
    The domestication of Turkeys
  • 750 B.C.E.

    Homerian epics (Iliad, Odyssey)
    Era of unrivaled brahman dominance.
  • 600 B.C.E.

    zoroastrian religion is established in Iran
    Legendary ruler in Japan
  • 550 B.C.E..

    Periods of the great Chineese philosophers; Confucious, Laozi, Mencius, and Legalists.
    Formation of Persian Empire.
    Greek wars with Persia;Persia defeated
    Beginnings of Roman Republic
    Cyrus the Great forms the Persian Empire
  • 450 B.C.E.

    Athens is at its height;Pericles, Phidias, Sophocles, Socrates
    Twelve Tables of Law
    Peloponesian Wars;decline of greece
  • 350 B.C.E.

    Alexander The Great invasions
    Mauryan Empire
    Hellenistic Period
    Heights of Maya
    Chandragupta Maurya rules
    Phillip ii of Macedonia
    Macedonian Empire, Alexander the Great
    Rise of Axum
  • 250 B.C.E.

    Punic Wars
    Period of greatest Buddhist influence
    Reign of Ashoka
    Roman Expansion in North Africa (Punic Wars) and eastern Mediterranean.
    Shi Haungdi proclaimed first emporer of China
    Initial Han dynasty;keky technical developments of horse collar and water mill
  • 100 B.C.E.

    Germans begin contact with Rome; Slavs migrate into eastern Europe.
    Julius Ceaser becomes dictator in Rome (49bce) Assasinated (44bce)
    Augustus Ceaser seizes power; rise of Roman Empire (27bce)
    Birth of Jesus (4bce)
  • 1 C.E.

    Later Han dynasty invented paper, and compass (23ce)
    Augustus founds Roman Empire(27ce)
    Crucifixion of Jesus(30ce)
    Beginning of Han decline(88ce)
    Height of Roman Territory(106ce)
    Reign of Dicloetian
    Extensive agriculture practiced in Japan
    Beginning of sassanid Empire in Persia
    Beginning of decline of Rome(180ce)
    Nasa culture (200ce)
    Mochica culture(200ce)
    Anasazi in North America(200ce)
    Last Han emeror deposed(220ce)
  • 300 C.E.

    Decline of Meroe
    Spread of Buddhism
    Yamato claim imperial control of Japan
    Rise of Axum;conversion to Christianity
    Second wave of Polynesian migrations to Hawaii
    Constantine formatin of Eastern Empire; adoption of Christianity
    Gupta Empire
  • 400 C.E.

    Chineese script imported
    First Han invasian
    Last Roman emporer in West
    Fall of Rome
    Growth of Mayan civilization
    Huns bvegin to invade india
  • 500 C.E.

    Gupta Empire overturned by the Huns
    Buddhism takes root in east and southeast Asia
    Formation of Ghana
    Justinina Eastern Emporer
    Spread of Buddhism in Japan
    Sui Dynasty
  • 600 C.E.

    Beginning of Islam
    Tang dynasty in China
    Harsha Empire
  • 700 C.E.

    Spread of Islam; trans-Sahara trade in Africa
    Shintoism unified into single national religion in Japan
  • 800 C.E.

    Mississippian Culture
  • 900 C.E.

    Polynesians to New Zealand
  • 1,000 C.E.

    Height of kingdom of Ghana, Africa