Formulating a Plan

  • 1.)

    Firstly, I will make sure to let myself know that I'm doing this 100% for myself, nobody else. This diet and exercise goal will help me become happier and healthier in life.
  • 2.)

    By this day, I want to keep up with my progress and make sure I'm starting to get the hang of a routine. I'll plug in my daily calorie intake and number of steps into my fitness app. There will still be a couple days where I could "cheat", but that'd be all.
  • 3.)

    Now, I would like to see myself getting a hang of this diet and my exercise, and I'm becoming deticated to it. I don't want to seem obsessive, but still show that I'm on top of my dieting and exercise.
  • 4.)

    The last day is here, and I would like to see myself reach my goal of losing 5 lbs.