European Monarchies

By kai<3
  • Dec 4, 1462

    Beginning of Ivan the Great's Reign

    Beginning of Ivan the Great's Reign
    The reign of Ivan the Great begins
  • Period: Dec 4, 1462 to Dec 4, 1505

    Ivan the Great's Reign

    Rurik monarch who united Russia after the expulsion of the Mongol's
  • Period: Dec 6, 1492 to

    Siglo de Oro

    Era of great cultural achievement for Spain; included the works of Cervantes and El Greco
  • Dec 4, 1509

    Beginning of Henry Vlll's Reign

    Beginning of Henry Vlll's Reign
    Henry Vlll begins to reign.
  • Period: Dec 4, 1509 to Dec 4, 1547

    Henry Vlll's Reign

    Tudor monarch who established the Church of England as a means of obtaining a divorce from Catherine of Aragon
  • Dec 4, 1533

    Beginning of Ivan the Terrible's Reign

    Beginning of Ivan the Terrible's Reign
    Ivan the Terrible's reign began
  • Period: Dec 4, 1533 to

    Ivan the Terrible's Reign

    murderous Rurik czar who ruled using terror and intimidation
  • Dec 6, 1556

    Beginning of Philip ll's Reign

    Beginning of Philip ll's Reign
    Philip ll's reign begins
  • Period: Dec 6, 1556 to

    Philip ll's Reign

    Hapsburg monarch whose main goal was to promote Catholicism throughout his kingdom; built a combination monastery/palace called El Escorial
  • Dec 4, 1558

    Beginning of Elizabeth l's Reign

    Beginning of Elizabeth l's Reign
    Elizabeth 1 begins her reign.
  • Period: Dec 4, 1558 to

    Elizabeth l's Reign

    Tudor monarch who found a way to create a compromise between Catholics and Protestants in the Church
    of England; brought an end to most of the religious strife that had occurred during the reigns of Edward VI and Mary
  • Dec 6, 1568

    Spanish Netherlands' Revolt began

    Dutch eventually gained their independence after rebelling against Philip’s attempts to force them to be Catholic
  • Defeat of the Spanish Armada

    Defeat of the Spanish Armada
    Spanish navy defeated by English; signified the decline of Spanish hegemony
  • Period: to

    Time of Troubles

    Era of famine and political unrest which occurred between the death of Ivan the Terrible and the establishment of the Romanov dynasty
  • Beginning of James l's Reign

    Beginning of James l's Reign
    The reign of James l begins
  • Period: to

    James l's Reign

    Stuart monarch who argued with Parliament about combining England and Scotland
  • Beginning of Charles 1 Reign

    Beginning of Charles 1 Reign
    The reign of Charles 1 begins
  • Period: to

    Charles 1's Reign

    Stuart monarch who was supported by the Cavaliers in the English Civil War, and was executed in 1649
  • Period: to

    English Civil War

    Cavaliers (Royalists) fought with Roundheads (Puritans in Parliament); Roundheads won and established a
    unless theocracy led by Oliver Cromwell
  • Beginning of Louis XIV's Reign

    Beginning of Louis XIV's Reign
    Louis's reign begins.
  • Period: to

    Louis XIV's Reign

    Bourbon monarch who was the quintessential absolute monarch; famous for calling himself ‘the Sun King’
    and saying ‘L’etat c’est moi.’
  • Period: to


    time period during which England was ruled as a Puritan theocracy by Oliver Cromwell
  • Period: to

    the Fronde

    French revolt which occurred when Louis XIV’s regent tried to tax the nobles
  • Beginning of Charles ll's Reign

    Beginning of Charles ll's Reign
    The reign of Charles ll begins.
  • Period: to

    Charles ll's Reign

    Stuart monarch associated with the Restoration
  • Versailles renovation began

    Versailles renovation began
    Former hunting lodge outside Paris which Louis XIV had turned into an opulent Baroque palace which he used to limit the power of the nobles
  • Test Act

    English legislation that Charles II agreed to which excluded Catholics from public office
  • Period: to

    Louis' Wars

    Examples include the Nine Years’ War, the War of Devolution, and the War of Spanish Succession; all were fought in an attempt to gain territory for France (and none were very successful)
  • Beginning of Peter the Great's Reign

    Beginning of Peter the Great's Reign
    Peter the Great begins his reign.
  • Period: to

    Peter the Great's Reign

    Romanov czar who attempted to westernize Russia and who fought with Sweden and the Ottoman Empire to gain ports
  • Beginning of James ll's Reign

    Beginning of James ll's Reign
    The reign of James ll begins.
  • Period: to

    James ll's Reign

    openly Catholic Stuart monarch who abdicated in 1688 when his son-in-law and daughter came to overthrow him
  • Glorious Revolution

    Glorious Revolution
    bloodless overthrow of James II in England by William III of Orange and Mary
  • English Bill of Rights

    document signed by William and Mary which asserted Parliament’s power of the purse and stipulated that monarchs could not keep a standing army without Parliament’s consent
  • Period: to

    Great Northern War

    Peter the Great’s war which was waged against Sweden in an attempt to gain ports along the Baltic Sea
  • St. Petersburg established

    St. Petersburg established
    Western-style city built by Peter the Great on a site that he had captured from Sweden; featured Peterhof, a Baroque palace
  • Beginning of Frederick the Great's Reign

    Beginning of Frederick the Great's Reign
    Frederick the Great begins reigning.
  • Period: to

    Frederick the Great's reign

    Hohenzollern monarch whose militaristic rule of Prussia helped to expand its territory
  • War of Austrain Succession began

    Began when Frederick the Great seized an Austrian province upon the beginning of the reign of Maria Theresa
  • Period: to

    Seven Years' War

    Began when Frederick the Great invaded Saxony; resulted in a huge colonial empire for England and a Prussian/Russian alliance