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English Civil War Timeline

  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    The Magna Carta was signed so the king could not go to war or raise taxes until the House of Commons agreed with the movement.
  • Period: to

    King James I Time as King of England

  • Period: to

    Charles I Rules without Parliament

    Charles I rules without parliament to get more tax money using loopholes in the Magna Carta
  • Charles I Recalls Parliament

    Charles I Recalls Parliament
    Charles I tries to recall parliament, but the people don't agree with him. So he gets overruled
  • Petition of Rights

    Petition of Rights
    The Petition of Right is a document that sets specific restrictions that the king is prohibited from infringing.
  • The Long Parliament

    The Long Parliament
    The Long Parliament is the name of the English Parliament called by Charles I following the Bishop Wars. It receives its name from the fact that by a unique Act of Parliament it could only be disbanded with the agreement of the members.
  • Cavaliers and Roundheads

    The two sides of the English Civil war were called the Cavaliers and Roundheads. The Cavaliers were supporters of King Chales I and the Roundheads were supporters of the parliament because King Charles was trying to get rid of it.
  • Period: to

    The Civil War

    This civil war was between King Charles I and the supporters of the Long Parliament. In the end King Charles was executed and his son Charles II was exiled.
  • Pride's Purge and Rump Parliament

    Pride's Purge was an event that took place during the Second English Civil War when Colonel Thomas Pride ordered his troops to remove the member of the Long Parliament. After this event it was called the Rump Parliament
  • Trial of Charles I

    Trial of Charles I
    He was charged with changing the fundamental laws and liberties of the nation and with maliciously making war on the parliament and people of England.
  • Charles II Becomes King

    Desperate to reclaim his father's throne Charles II strikes a bargain with the Scots. Charles in crowned King Charles II of Scots at Scone Castle.
  • Lord Protector: Cromwell

    Lord Protector: Cromwell
    Oliver Cromwell was awarded the title of Lord Protector.
  • Cromwell's Death

    After Cromwel is awarded Lord Protector he becomes unpopular with the people and repeating the mistakes of Charled I. He died from an illness on September 3, 1658. He was buried like the kings before him, but during the restoration of the Stuart monarchy his body was cut into 4 quarters and sent the corners of England.
  • The Restoration Under Charles II

    The Restoration Under Charles II
    The Restoration refers to when the monarchies of England, Scotland and Irish were restored by King Charles II
  • Great Plague of London Begins

    The bubonic plague has struck London and is spreading fast with over 100,000 deaths in a couple of months.
  • Test Act

    Test Act
    The Test Act is a law that excluded from public office (both military and civil) all those who refused to take the oaths of allegiance and supremacy.
  • Charles II Dies

    After suffering a stroke King Charles coverts to Catholicism on his death bed and dies a few hours later. His brother James II succeededs him as king.
  • Period: to

    James II Rules

  • Glorious Revolution

    Glorious Revolution
    The Glorious Revolution was to overthrow king James II. King James II policies of religious policies were met with opposition by members of leading political circles.
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    The Bill of Rights is a statement of certain positive rights that its authors considered that citizens and residents of a free and democratic society ought to have.