Early Explorers of Canada and First Peoples of Canada

  • Period: Jan 1, 1000 to

    Early Explorers of Canada

  • Jan 1, 1100

    The Norse Arrive

    The Norse Arrive
    The Norse were the first explorers to reach North America. Sometime in the year 1100 they reached present day Newfoundland and Labrador where the first nations group people The Beothuk lived. The Norse had sailed acrossed from Greenland and built a settlement near present day Newfounland and Labrador.
  • Jan 1, 1100

    The Norse Arrive(continued)

    The Norse Arrive(continued)
    Some Positive things is the Norse brang was at first they traded peacefully with the Beothuk, but the negative thing is soon later the two groups were fighting over resources and started battling each other,the battle was short but it affected the the aborigininal population. After the battle, the Norse left Newfoundland.
  • Jan 1, 1497

    John Cabot

    John Cabot
    John Cabot was an Italian navigator and explorer. He attempted to find a direct route to Asia.He discovered a theory that Asia might be reached by sailing westwards, which appealed to severel rich english merchants. On May 2, 1497 King Henry VII sent Cabot and a crew of 18 men sailed from Bristol, England and on June 24 after a rough voyage Cabot made land. People believed he either landed on Cape Breton Island or Newfoundland and Labrador.
  • Jan 1, 1498

    John Cabot (continued)

    John Cabot (continued)
    After he claimed the land for King Henry VII, which affected the natives later on he set sail back to England in August. After Cabot was assured of royal support he set sail on May 1498 with 5 ships and 300 men to try to reach Japan. On June 1498 Cabot was believed that he reached the coast of Greenland, because his crew was tired and cold they commited mutiny on Cabot. Shortly after Cabot returned to England he died.
  • May 22, 1500

    Reference Link

    The resources we used for this timeline is the Nelson Literacy book 6,http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/articles/samuel-hearne and members.shaw.ca/kcic1/explorer.html
  • Jan 1, 1534

    Jacques Cartier

    Jacques Cartier
    Jacques Cartier was an French explorer and mariner, who discovered the St. Lawrence river. In 1534 Cartier set out to find a faster route across North America to the Pacific Ocean, which was a faster way for trading ships to reach Asia. During his tavels Cartier made contact (which was positive) with the Mi'Maq and Iroquois. both those groups traded their furs for European knives and iron goods.
  • Jan 1, 1535

    Jacques Cartier (Continued)

    Jacques Cartier (Continued)
    The Negative thing is after Cartier claimed the land for the French king,the Chief found out Cartier was claiming and was angry but Cartier told him it was to help find his way. Cartier went back to France and told the king what happened. The king allowed him to go back next year. Cartier went back the following year but when Cartier came back he came back with nine Haudenosaunee, including Donnacona and they died in France.
  • Jan 1, 1535

    Jaques Cartier map of voyage

    Jaques  Cartier map of voyage
  • Link of Samuel De Champlains routes

    Link of Samuel De Champlains routes
    This is a link of one of the routes Samuel De Champlain took http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/obj/h3/f1/nlc000861-v6.jpg
  • Samuel De Champlain

    Samuel De Champlain
    Samuel De Champlain was a French explorer and navigator. He mapped most of the maritimes and mapped a settlement in Quebec.In 1603, Champlain decided to find the Northwest Passage and settle the Gaspe Peninsula. In 1608, Champlain led 32 colonists (which only 9 came back alive) to Quebec to establish a fur-trading center.
  • Samuel De Champlain (continued)

    Samuel De Champlain (continued)
    In 1609, one negative thing he brought was that Champlain (positive too)befriended the Huron Indians and helped them fight the Iroquois which led to 150 years of bitterness between the Iroquois and French.
  • Henry Hudson

    Henry Hudson
    Henry Hudson was an English explorer and navigator, who set sail on four voyages from 1607 to 1610 in his lifetime.One postive thing he had with the natives is that he established the Hudson Bay company and traded metal and steel goods for beaver fur with the Inuits.
  • Henry Hudson(continued)

    Henry Hudson(continued)
    In his last voyage in 1610 he tried to find the Northwest Passage( which was a shorter route to Asia ) but his men got tired and commited mutiny on him and his son, they were never heard from again. After his mutined him, one negative thing he brought is that after his men went to battle with the Indians.
  • Samuel Hearne

    Samuel Hearne
    Samuel Hearne was an english explorer and beaver-fur trader(positive). He joined the HBC(Hudson Bay Company) in 1766. Hearne was also asked to find a western passage but his native guides robbed,bullied and deserted him which was a negative thing that happened. In 1770 he left the Prince of Whales fort and along with Matonabbe a native leader he set off to find copper. He admitted his journey brought no material to the HBC because he only came back with 1 lump of copper.