Devins timeline

By eshank
  • Get all A's for the next report card

    I want to get all A's for my report card, Im going to work harder and strive to achieve. Every week I will look at my grades.
  • Get to Silver in league of legends

    I want to rank up in league of legend. I will look at my progress at getting better. I will set goals every week to go up in rank to get o silver
  • 4.0 GPA

    I want t get a 4.0 GPA by the end of the year. I can measure this by looking at my report cards and midterms. I can try harder on tests and classwork.
  • Get into The Parkside Wrestling Team

    I want to get into the wrestling team at parkside ram. I will set goals to win tournaments. I will try to beat the opponents to get in.
  • I want to go to college

    I want to get into college at 2021. I can mesure this by my grades.
  • Persuing Career

    I want to peruse my career path and have a nice job. I will work harder in school.
  • Own a house

    I want to own my own house when In 2030. I will try to earn a lot of money to have a decent house.