Imgres 6


  • Jan 1, 1093

    The beginning.

    The beginning.
    Alexius Comnenus sent an army to the count of Flander, as the emperor asked for help to fight against the muslimTurks, because they were trying to get into the the capital of Constantinople. On the other hand Pope Urban the second issued a call for what he would name a "holy war" for social, political and aswell economical power.
  • Jan 1, 1095

    Pope Urban

    Pope Urban
    Pope Urban's call, gave a lot of support to the crusades and called for a crusade against the Infidels.
  • Jan 1, 1096

    Destroyed crusades.

    Destroyed crusades.
    The crusades of the people were destroyed by the Turks in Anatolia.
  • Jul 15, 1099

    The soldiers took the Holy land.

    The soldiers took the Holy land.
    The soldiers of the First Crusde sacele the walls of Jerusalem and took the Holy land.
  • Jan 1, 1145

    Beginning of the second crusade.

    Beginning of the second crusade.
    The pope proclams the second crusade.The reason of tis crusade is to take the territory of the muslims that they took from the christians.
  • Jan 1, 1149

    The success of the Christians

    The success of the Christians
    The Christians succeeded in many ways in the middle of the second crusade as they captured Edessa, that was one of the main Christian outposts in the East. In the second Crusade the two famed religious military orders, known as the Hospitallers and the Templars, were formed.
  • Jan 1, 1155

    The Failure of the Second Crusade

    The Failure of the Second Crusade
    Even though the second crusade begun at the most recommendatory or positive "controlled time", they had an unhappy and negative ending. From all the people that set out from Europe to fight just a few of them escaped from being murdered in Asia Minor at the hands of the Turks.
  • Jan 1, 1187

    The third crusade

    The third crusade
    Not a lot of years after the Second Crusade ended, the Muslim world found in Saladin a commander for the next holy war against the Christians. Saladin was a typical Mohammedan, devout in prayers and full of the pride of race, he united the people from Syria and then advanced against the latin kingdom but he didn't rest until he got the power to conquer Jerusalem and he did so.
  • Jan 1, 1191

    King Richard in the Holy Land

    King Richard in the Holy Land
    As Muslims had a leader to help them to defeat Christians, they also needed someone to give them direction to win the holy war, so King Richard was the one that fighted against Saladin but later King Richard got sick and Saladin attacked him so Richard refused to fight agains him again.
  • Jan 1, 1192

    End of the third Crusade

    End of the third Crusade
    Finally, King Richard and Saladin had an agreement by the terms of which Christians were allowed to visit Jerusalem without paying tribute, that they should have free access to the holy places, and remain in undisturbed possession of the coast from Jaffa to Tyre. King Richard then set sail for England, and with his departure from the Holy Land the Third Crusade came to an end.