Country Timeline: Bavaria and Valkyria

By Twack
  • 24,100 BCE

    First Known Evidence of People In Valkyria

    The oldest known evidence of activity in the Valkyrian region dates back to 24100 BMW. Other regions were populated earlier do to their land access, while settlers of Valkyria and Bavaria had to sail, something that hadn't been mastered.
  • Period: 7960 BCE to 211 BCE

    Valkyrian Empire

  • 6904 BCE

    The Caldera Is Built and Settled

    The foundations for a military base bigger than any constructed before. The workers moved there and started a permanent settlement around the base, which was to become the largest city of the ancient and modern world.
  • Period: 6302 BCE to 6209 BCE

    The Bavar Wars

    A collection of wars between several nation-states in the Bavarian region. It ultimately ended after Bavaria, the largest state, took control of the region and began its empire.
  • Period: 6242 BCE to 3001 BCE

    Bavarian Empire

  • Period: 6020 BCE to 3452 BCE

    Ishmïeli Commonwealth

    After peacefully seceding from the Bavarian Empire, the Ishmïeli, protected by mountains and thick pine forests, promoted art, theatre, science, and culinary institutions rather than having a large military. This was also the first society to adopt Marijuana as an entire society with 80% of the population using it in some way.
  • Period: 2208 BCE to 1703 BCE

    Bavarian Reinstatement

    After the Braygans fell into chaos and their empire quickly diminished, the Bavarians fought to conquer much of their original empire. This is called the Bavarian Reinstatement.
  • Period: 1704 BCE to 1011 BCE

    Period of Warring Bavarian Kingdoms

    The collapse of the Bavarian Reinstatement left the rise of feudal kingdoms in the homeland and in conquered territories. The small Kingdoms in Stern and Messonia would eventually lead to the spread of the Bavarian language in Acacia and the fall of the Acacian empire.