1550–1600 in western european fashion

Conflict and Absolutism in Europe

  • 1500

    Spain Catholism

    Spain Catholism
    Around 1500, Catholic kingdoms in Spain had reconquered Muslim areas there and expelled Spanish Jews. Muslims were forced to either to convert or go into exile.
  • Period: 1550 to

    Conflict and Absolutism in Europe Timeline

  • 1555

    1555 Peace of Augsburg

    1555 Peace of Augsburg
    In 1555, the Peace of Augsburg ended religious war in Germany. This agreement accepted the division of Christianity in Germany.Now german states were free to elect between lutheranism and catholism.German rulers decided to choose a persons religion.
  • 1558

    Elizabeth Tudor

    Elizabeth Tudor
    Elizabeth Tudor ascended Throne in 1558.Elizath was intelligent,careful and self confident,she solve the problem her sister Mary had left.Under her reign The church of england followed a moderate protestanism.
  • 1562

    French Wars Due to Religion

    French Wars Due to Religion
    Frensh had civil wars known as the frensh wars ,which were due to religious confilicts .Catholic Kings persecuted protestants
  • 1566

    Phillip II

    Phillip II
    Phillip II tried to strength his control which caused oppositions,He tried to crush calvinism in the Netherlands,when violence erupted he sent 10,000 troops to the rebellion
  • 1567

    James I

    James I
    James became the ruler and became known as james 1,James believed he received his powers from god and believed he had all the power in England.
  • Spanish Armada

    Spanish Armada
    Phillip the II end an armada to invade England,hge wanted to overthrow protestanism .The armada was ambushed by England so the armada was forced to sail back to Spain
  • Edict of Nantes

    Edict of Nantes
    There were multilpe battles between the Catholics and Huguenots ,in 1589 Henry was an huguenot leader,but he noticed he would never be accepted so he turned catholic and when he was crowned as king he issued the Edict of Nantes,where it recognized cathoplic as the religion in france and gave huguenots right to workship.
  • Economic issues in Europe

    Spains economy depended on the import of silver,the problem was that silver was failing.The loss of Muslims and Jews artisants and merchants hurt the economy and over population affected europe
  • The United Provinces of the Netherlands

    The United Provinces of the Netherlands
    United provinces were the center stage of one of Europes great power.They began after a 12 year old war between Dutch and Phillip(Spain).
  • Thirty years war

    Thirty years war
    In 1618, the Thirty Years’ War began.It was called "The last religious war".All european powers were in this war except for England.
  • First Folio

    First Folio
    In 1623 William Shakespeare First Folio was published
  • King Charles

    King Charles
    Charles took throne and he didn't agree with the parliament since the parliament created a petition of right which limit the king's power,Charles agreed at first but later he saw how many power he had been left with and disagreed,he imposed more catholicism ,which caused many Puritans left to america.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    Civil war occur , supporters of the king called Cavaliers fought with the Parliament supporters called Roundheads,After Parliament supporters won the war due to their amazing military,they executed the king
  • Absolutism

    Absolutism is a system where monarchs hold absolute power,in the seventeen century absolutism was linked with the divine rights of the kings .Kings had the power to levy taxes,control officials,etc.Louis XIV was a example of absolutism,before him there was a period of struggles because the government fought to avoid the breaking down of the state
  • Louis XIV

    Louis XIV
    Louis closed huguenots schools and ordered their destruction so many had to flee to England.The cost of building places and maintaining everything in order made finances an issue.He had Jean-baptiste as controller general of finances ,so he sought to increase Frances wealth and power by mercantilism.He granted subsides to new industries,and to improve communications he built roads and canals.
  • Revolution

    English invited the Dutch leader William of Orange to go and invade them , he wasn't sure but then they were informed english were not happy with James ruling so he prepared to attack ,he was actuallyt fighting his wifes father.They decided to attack and send troops,James noticed and fled his family to london to later move to france. They had gone a glorious revolution,after william and Mary took throne and passed the bill of rights.
  • Prussia

    Frederick William laid interest for the Priussian state.He realized prussia was a small territory with no natural defense so he made a large army ,this made the army one of the largest in Europe.To maintain his army in his power set up a General War Commissariat to levy taxes for the army and see its growth.
  • Peter the Great

    Peter became czar,he was an absolute monarch.He was determined to westernize Russia,he was also eager to borrow European technology.Modernization of the army was crucial to make Russia a great power.On the baltic in 1703 Peter began to construct a new city call St.Petersburg which served as a base for russia navy,it also became one of the most important ports
  • Two Treatises of Government

     Two Treatises of Government
    In 1690 John Locke publishes Two Treatises of Government