Temple of quetzalcoatl ( the feathered serpent) teotihuacan  early 3rd century1352269753241

Cometti Chapters 3-6. C.E.

  • 100

    Moche Civilization Began To Flourish Ch.6

    Moche Civilization Began To Flourish Ch.6
    This was when the Moche civilization began to flourish, and all of their ideas and influences started to spread. Their craftsmenship started to spread more, and this allowed their civilization to flourish even more. They were also an important influence for the following civilizations to come. They had many systems of roads that helped influence trade.
  • Period: 100 to Jan 1, 1100

    Part 1. BCE

  • 105

    Ban Zhao Ch.5

    Ban Zhao Ch.5
    Ban Zhao wrote the practices of baby girls being born, and she described what they did and why they did these certain practices. The practices showed examples of inequality of women even at a young age. These inequalities were not just around when they were at a young age, there were more inequalities when the women got older. Ban Zhao gave us an insite on the inequalities of women in China.
  • 200

    Pax Romana Ch.3

    Pax Romana Ch.3
    The Pax Romana was when there was no violence and everything was peaceful withing the Roman Empire. This was also when the Romans had the greatest authority.This was when many civilizations started to hear about the empire. This was also when their culture spread the most. It was like the Hellenistic Era for the Greeks.
  • 250

    Mound Builders Throughout North America Ch.6

    Mound Builders Throughout North America Ch.6
    Most of North America lived in mounds as their houses. This is important, because this showed that this structure was an influence throughout North America. This also shows that one group of people couldv'e started a civilization, and their idea spread greatly. Also, the Mound Builders, when they were flourishing, built an elegant and huge mound. The mound was the largest monument north of Mexico.
  • 300

    After Collapse of Han Dynasty Ch.3

    After Collapse of Han Dynasty Ch.3
    After the collapse of the Han Dynasty, China was no longer unified and no longer had a centralized government. China was divided into political states and outsiders invaded China. This shows what happens when China becomes fragmented and violent. This is the reason why they built the Great Wall of China. Daoism and Buddhism became popular.
  • 400

    Wari and Tiwanaku Civilizations Flourished Ch.6

    Wari and Tiwanaku Civilizations Flourished Ch.6
    They began to flourish at this time, and both of the civilizations were very close to eachother. The important thing is that the two civilizations never had a war with eachother, even though they were within 300 miles of each other at some points. This shows that some civilizations could flourish right next to eachother without having to go into battle with each other. They greatly influenced the Incas, and that was because when they were flourishing they built many road and the Incas used them.
  • 450

    Axum Converted to Christianity Ch.6

    Axum Converted to Christianity Ch.6
    Christianity was brought in by the Red Sea and the Roman Empire. This was adopted by the Axum Empire, and King Ezana adopted the religion. This is an example of how major trade ports and other civilzations influenced other civlizations. Axum was also exposed to Islam because of the Red Sea trade routes too.
  • 450

    Moche High-Status Woman Ch.6

    Moche High-Status Woman Ch.6
    Archeologists found a high-status woman that was from the Moche civilization. She was buried with many valuables. This shows that the Moche Civilization women were well respected, and this also means that women could have more freedom. The Moche Civilization also had women on pottery, and this shows that they valued women more than the other civlizations in Eurasia.
  • 500

    Middle of Axum Expanding Empire Ch.6

    Axum expanded their empire across the Red Sea and in Meroe. This led to the collapse of Meroe, and this spread Axum's ideas throughout more parts of the world, such as the spread of Christianity.
  • 510

    Women in Rome Free Slaves Ch.5

    Women in Rome Free Slaves Ch.5
    One woman in Rome freed 8,000 slaves. This is an example of how slavery in the Roman Empire was very important, and how the slaves were very cheap to purchase. The Roman Empire had about 40% of their population made up of slavery, and this means that the empire needed and used slaves greatly. Also, women in the Roman Empire had more rights than women in Athens. They didin't have a lot of restrictions.
  • 553

    Constantinople Ch.4

    Constantinople Ch.4
    Constantinople was named after the Roman ruler, Constantine, and he was the Roman ruler that converted over to Christianity. The city was a very religious city. They made the city after him and had the Roman Catholic Church. The Roman Catholic Church helped convert many cities and civlizations to Christianity. The church also sent out missionaries to help convert many people over.
  • Oct 11, 600

    Natural Disasters on Moche Ch.6

    Natural Disasters on Moche Ch.6
    The natural disasters were the cause of the fall of the Moche Civilization. Some of the natural disasters were earthquakes, fires, droughts, etc. These disasters made the civilization to decline very fast, in 200 years, the civilization ended and was history. The civlization was located in a region where it was proned to many natural disasters.
  • Oct 6, 1000

    Buddhism Almost Extinct Ch.4

    Buddhism almost was extinct in India. That was because Hinduism and Islam were the two religions that were most popular in India. Another reason why it went extinct is because Buddhhism was diffused into Hinduism. This is important because this shows how some religions can become extinct in a short peiod of time, even though Buddhism was around for a while.
  • Theodosius Began to Rule Ch.4

    Theodosius Began to Rule Ch.4
    Theodosius banned all polytheisitc religions when he ruled in the Roman Empire. That is because he was a Christian, and this showed how much of an influence that Christianity had on some parts of the world. He ruled after Constantine ruled, and after the Edic of Milan. That was because Christianity was already allowed in the Roman Empire, and when Christianity started to be a popular religion in the empire.
  • Empress Wu Ch.3

    Empress Wu was an emperor of China and this showed how China's patriarchal society was weakening because a woman became the emperor of China. She started to rule around 690 C.E. She ruled in the Tang Dynasty. She did not last the long as emperor, but she is the only women with the name of emperor.
  • Tang Dynasty Began Ch.5

    Tang Dynasty Began Ch.5
    The Tang Dynasty was important because women started to get more rights and freedom. The Tang Dynasty was very new since almost every civilization and empire was patriarchal. The empire even had a woman ruler. That was an example of how women started to get more rights and freedom.
  • Teotihuacan in Maya Ch.6

    Teotihuacan in Maya Ch.6
    A collaborator from Teotihuacan in Maya, and this shows how close some major civilzations lived. It also shows how in the Americas how different civlizations lived close to eachother and didn't fight. In Eurasia, there were no civilizations close to eachother, and that was because the civlizations fought to be the largest. Also, they appeared very quickly, because the civilization was planned. This meant that it did not take long for the civlization to appear and thrive.
  • Yellow Turban Rebellion Ch.3

    Yellow Turban Rebellion Ch.3
    The Yellow Turban Rebellion was in China and it was when the peasants revolted. This was durring the Han Dynasty, and even though the rebellion was stopped, it weakened and helped cause the collapse of the Han Dynasty. The rebellion was stopped by the Han Dynasty's warriors. Their rebellion was a major influence to all of the other peasants, and this was just one of the many rebellions in China.
  • Permanent Villages in Americas Ch.6

    Permanent Villages in Americas Ch.6
    This was when there were permanent villages that started to appear all throughout the Americas. Many of the first villages appeared did not have a lot of people living in the villages. There were only a group of about 25 people. This is important because this was when the population of the Americas started to grow more quickly.