James ii 1633 1701

Charles II, James II, & William & Mary

  • Charles II

    Charles II returns to England from Holland and is restored to the throne.
  • Charles II

    Charles is received into the Roman Catholic Church on his deathbed.
  • James II

    James succeeds his brother, Charles II.
  • James II

    James takes first measures to restore Catholicism in England, and sets up a standing army of 13,000 troops at Hounslow to overawe nearby London.
  • James II

    James, believing his Divine Right as King, issues the Declaration of Indulgence to suspend all laws against Catholics and Non-Conformists and repeal the 1673 Test Act. He seeks to promote his Catholic supporters in Parliament and purge Tories and Anglican clergy.
  • James II

    James abdicates and flees to exile in France.
  • William & Mary

    William and Mary become joint King and Queen.
  • William & Mary

    William offers the Scottish Highlanders a pardon for the Jacobite uprising if they sign allegiance him
  • William & Mary

    Death of Mary. William now rules alone.
  • William & Mary

    William dies after a riding accident. Stuarts in exile toast 'the gentleman in black velvet' in the belief that his horse stumbled on a mole hill.