Career Goals Timeline- Alyssa Smith-Garling

  • Get A Regular Job

    1. I want a job that can help me save for college.
    2. It can help me get experience for joining the professional workforce
    3. I would have to look presentable for my job interview and make a good resume
  • Graduate High School

    1. Study for all my classes and pass my test
    2. Practice my test taking skills
    3. Do all my major and daily grades to pass
  • Go to Medical School

    1. Make good grades to get accepted into a good college
    2. Write a good letter to the school and tell them why I want to go there.
    3. Always show up and do my work.
  • Get a Job As a Neonatal Nurse

    1. Finish about 4 years of school
    2. Apply for a job, get a good resume, and look professional for a job interview
    3. Work hard and never slack and always make a good impression that could lead to a raise one day