
Brenna Jeter's Smart Goal Timeline

  • Getting a New Truck

    Getting a New Truck
    I would like to purchase a new truck.
  • Period: to

    Goal Time Span

  • Job

    My first step for getting a new truck would be to get a job.
  • Working

    I would work as many hours as I could so I would be able to start saving the money I would need for that month. I would need to save $400 each month.
  • Start Saving

    Start Saving
    After I had been working a lot of hours I would start saving a least 2/3 of my paycheck every month.
  • Side Jobs

    Side Jobs
    I would also start doing things for other people. For example mowing lawns, and cleaning things out.
  • Finally!

    I would finally be able to purchase my new truck. After I had been saving $400 for 5 months. I have reached my $2,000 goal!