Joseph ducreux

Bene- Timeline Assignment

  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • Period: to

    American Revolution

    The Fight For American Colonial Independance From English Rule
  • Declaration of Independance- Political

    Declaration of Independance- Political
    American Declaration of Soverignty from the English Crown
  • Treaty of Paris- Political

    The British/American treaty, ending the American Revolution
  • Estates-General Meeting-Economic

    Meeting of the Three Estates to discuss the economic troubles of France -Economic Event
  • Formation of the Estates-National- Economic

    Third Estate branches into a new government during The French revolution- Economic event
  • Storming of The Bastille Prison- Political

    Storming of The Bastille Prison- Political
    Peasants riot and form a mob to lay seige to the French prison Bastille- Political Event
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

    The Fight Against The French Monarchy Of Louis XVI
  • Publishing of The Declaration of The Rights of Man and Citizen- Social

    Publishing of The Declaration of The Rights of Man and Citizen- Social
    Published by The French Government as an equivilent to the American Bill of Rights. Proclaiming that all men are born free and equal
  • Period: to

    Reign of Terror ("La Terreur")

  • Invention of the Guillotine- Scientific

    Public unveiling of the Guillotine by Joseph- Scientific
  • Declaration of The Rights of Women- Social

    Rubuttal againt the Declaration of The Rights of Man -Social Event
  • Execution of Louis XVI- Social

    Execution of Louis XVI- Social
    The public execution of France's former monarch by Guillotine
    Social Event
  • Execution of Marie Antoinette-Social

    Execution of Marie Antoinette-Social
    The public execution of Marie Antoinette, wife of Louis XVI, by guillotine Social Event
  • Napoleonic Code of Laws- Cultural

    Napoleonic Code of Laws- Cultural
    The reform of French law under the rule of Napoleon
    Cultural Event
  • Battle of Waterloo- Military

    Battle of Waterloo- Military
    Napoleon's final defeat in Belgium at the hands of the British Army -Diplomatic/Military
  • Death of Napoleon- Political

    The death of the French Leader Napoleon I.
    Political Event
  • Publication of The Communist Manifesto- Economic

    Karl Marx's novel, emphasizing a strong feeling of comeraderie and rebellion against the bourgeoisie
  • Bombing of Ft. Sumter- Military

    Bombing of Ft. Sumter- Military
    The first act of Hostility in the American Civil War in which Confederate troops bombarded the Union-held Fort Sumter
  • Period: to

    American Civil War

  • Secession of Virginia From The Union- Political

    Virginia Seceeds from the Union, forming the first state of the Confederacy
  • Emancipation Proclamation- Political

    Proclamation symbolizing the freedom of all slaves
  • End of The American Civil War- Political

    Defeat of The Confederacy and the rejoining of the Union- Political Event
  • Publishing of The Jungle- Social

    Upton Sinclair's Socialist novel on the meat packing industry- Social Event
  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand- Military

    Assassination of The Austrian Archduke, Insiting WWI