Austria flag

Austria: 1450-1700

  • Period: Jan 1, 1450 to

    Austria: 1450-1700

  • Jul 31, 1527

    Emperor Maximilian II

     Emperor Maximilian II
    He was the king of Bohemia (Bounded by Austria and part of the Austrian-Hungarian empire), King of Germany, and King of Hungary. He was also the archduke of Austria. When he was crowned, he thought it necessary to reform the Church, and "help" the Protestants and the Lutherans in Austria. He was also interested in the government of the Austrians and to defend them against the Turks.
  • Jan 1, 1529

    The Siege of Vienna

    The Siege of Vienna
    The first attempt by the Ottoman Empire, led by Suleiman the Magnificent, to capture the city of Vienna, Austria. 150 years of bitter military tension between Austria and the Ottoman Empire led to the Battle of Vienna in 1683. This also led to the start of the Great Turkish War by European powers to remove the Ottoman presence. Suleiman's main objective in 1529, was to assert Ottoman control over Hungary. After he conquered Hungary, he then decided to try to control Austria.
  • Feb 24, 1538

    Treaty of Grosswardein

    Treaty of Grosswardein
    This treaty was also known as "The Treaty of Nagyvarad," and was a secret peace treaty between Ferdinand I of the Holy Roman Empire and the John Zápolya. In the treaty the medieval Kingdom of Hungary was divided by them.
  • Thirty Year War

    Thirty Year War
    The suppression of the Bohemian revolt initiated the Thirty Years' War (1618–1648), in which the Austrian Habsburgs as champions of the Catholic imperial cause played a leading role. This involved most of the countries in Europe, and fought mainly in Central Europe. It was a war between the Protestants and the Catholics, and also over power within an empire. The result ended in devastation of entire regions, famine, disease, decreasing of population, and places going bankrupt.
  • The Peace of Westphalia

    The Peace of Westphalia
    They were a series of peace treaties signed between May and October 1648 in Osnabrück and Münster. They involved the Holy Roman Empire, Ferdinand III, Habsburg, Spain, France, Sweden, and the Dutch as well. These ended the Thirty Years War in the Holy Roman Empire, and the Eighty Years War. The peace had to deal with the religious freedom throughout the empire, and then created peace throughout nations.
  • Peace of Karlowitz

    Peace of Karlowitz
    The Peace of Karlowitz was signed on January 26, 1699, in Sremski Karlovci, concluding the Austro Ottoman War. The two-month long congress between the Ottoman Empire on one side, and the Holy League of 1684, (the Holy Roman Empire, the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Republic of Venice and Peter the Great) Borders were set up to separate the Austrians and the Turks. 60,000 square miles of Hungarian territories at Karlowitz, and of the Banat of Temesvár. Austria aquired all of Hungary.