
Japanese Anmie Cartoonist

  • Create an Anmie Reel

    Create an Anmie Reel
    Step #3 Create an Anmie reel and then repost it to various media sites such as YouTube, Twitter, or Facebook.
  • Colleges that have similar Interest in Anmie Art

    Colleges that have similar Interest in Anmie Art
    Step #2 Look at colleges that have my interest and look into the college.
  • Study different kinds of anmie

    Study different kinds of anmie
    Step #1 Study different kinds of anime books to help prepare. Mostly study Japanese anime if that is your interest you want to study.
  • Enroll in Japanese Art school in Japan

    Enroll in Japanese Art school in Japan
    Step #4 Enroll in a school in Japan. such as Kyoto Seika University specialize manga art providing graduate and post graduate courses.
  • Send in your interest with a portfolio to a site like Manga Entertainment

    Send in your interest  with a portfolio to a site like  Manga Entertainment
    Step #5 Send in a letter of interest along with a portfolio to a studio called Manga Entertainment and other studios. they will give you online services that will be useful in the future.
  • How I'm going to save for become a Japanese Cartoonist

    How I'm going to save for become a Japanese Cartoonist
    I will save my money that I earn from tips and put it in the bank. I will only use the money that I need for college and what I must have in the class.