AmRev K.Clark

  • FInancial Troubles

    FInancial Troubles
    Everyone in France was divided intoone of three social classes, or estates. The first estate was made up of clergy (church people). the second estate is mmade up of the nobility. And finally the third estate comprimised the vast majority of the population.
  • Louis XVI Calls the Estates-General

    Louis XVI Calls the Estates-General
    A third party wanted votes per head not by estate. First estate was Priests, second estate was Kings and nobles, and the last estate was everyone else. The first and second estates always joined against the third estate. The third estate decided to make a Tennis Court Oath which said that the people will never stop meeting until a sound constitution.
  • Parisians storm the bastille

    Parisians storm the bastille
    A rumor went around the streets that royal troops were going to occupy the capitol. This is called the storming of the bastille.
  • Revolt/National Assembly Acts

    Revolt/National Assembly Acts
    (Rights Of Man, Woman’s March, Church, Constitution) Rumors create the great fear. Fear of villages being attacked. Paris comes to power the national assembly act came into place. In 1791, the constitution establishes a new government.
  • Threats from abroad

    Threats from abroad
    August 1,1791 the King of Prussia and the Emperor of Austria sign the Declaration of Plintz saying that they will help the French monarchs. October 1,1791 the Legislative Assembly took office and the economy falls Sans-Culottes pushed for a republic with elected representatives and no monarchs.
  • Civil War (Radicals take over)

    Civil War (Radicals take over)
    Other countries seal themselves from France in fear that the revolution will spread. Stories were told by fleeing nobles and clergy . These stories told of the French plague. Catherine locked up critics burned Voltaire’s letters. She was scared that her monarchy could be corrupted.
  • Monarchy Is Abolished

    Monarchy Is Abolished
    The monarchy is established. Battle disasters quickly inflamed revolutionaries who thought the king was in league with the enemies.
  • Robespierre, Reign of Terror

    Robespierre, Reign of Terror
    September 1, 1793-July 27, 1794 Took leadership in the Committee of Public Safety. Taxed people and had them contribute to the war effort. Wanted a “Republic of Virtue” nothing more then “Prompt, severe, inflexible justice.” He also said that “Liberty can’t be secured unless criminals lose their heads.” Gave another speech on February 5, 1794 Hail to the republic or death to traitors!” During his reign he arrested over 300,000 and 17,000 executed. Robespierre gets arrested on July 26, 1794 the n
  • Third Stage Of The Revolution

    The revolution enters its third stage. Moving away from excesses the convention. Moderates produced another constitution. Its the third one since 1789.
  • Spread of Nationalism

    Revolution gave people a “National Identity.” They felt devoted to their country. In 1793 troops rallied citizens by playing music proving that monarchy was no more.